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AI machine gun turrets on vehicles

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I've noticed, quite frustratingly, that for the last few month or so after the big update the turrets cant prioritize targets anymore. If there's 2 infantry around my vehicle shooting at it but a base defense or a vehicle even 2x the distance away, the AI picks those as a target over the infantry shooting at me. Why? I can't fathom. Even refocusing with the T key they snap back to being useless.

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The A.I. in this game is janky unless we're talking about the new custom bots built by W3DHub.

The turrets I believe target ethier the closest target, the last target they were firing at, or whatever hits them last (Based off of the other "non W3Dhub Advanced A.I." i.e Turrets/!support bots) The A.I. for the turrets may be able to be reworked so it only targets infantry but I don't even know if that's possible for a variety of reasons (Most namely Kaskins doesn't do the scripting and we're using old scripts at the moment so other things work). Also, the ability to target vehicles means you can detect stealth vehicles.

My best course of reccomendation would be to get enough !vet for bots, or get a hotwire and place proxies on the ground around the area of where your tank has set up shop. I typically use this with the Merkava when I deploy to detect SBH's, and keep infantry at bay while I shoot them or fall back.

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The turret scripts I developed (which were the basis that moonsense expanded into my new bots) have the ability to prioritize targets by health, type, distance, value (on the basis that more expensive = more dangerous) etc...


Not sure if IA uses these though, and if it does, what settings it's using.

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We do use DP88's turret AI. I assume the issue may be that Kaskins (Yap) put the priority for vehicles/turrets much higher than Infantry on these turrets. Do you have an example of which vehicle this is an issue on. I can take a look at those turrets priority values. 

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