Personally I don't have any nostalgia for w3d, it holds no special meaning or memory to me, but I pragmatically accept it for what it is when playing. The only reason I'm here is because I want to play an FPS game about Red Alert 2 and Tiberian Sun. Seeing how slow development here is though I'd cautiously recommend moving to a newer engine, not for graphics, but for a more modern and user-friendly toolset and tutorials/support, which would mean faster and therefore more energetic development, and for the appeal to new developers. Again personally, I toyed with the idea of spending time learning the use of the w3d editing suite, but in the end was persuaded against it by the age and nichey-ness of the engine, deciding my time was better spent honing skills I think would be more useful to me later on. This is my own personal perspective, but it means that at least one potential developer was turned off by the engine itself.