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Showing most liked content on 02/17/2015 in all areas

  1. I have had so many nicknames since I started playing online games I can't even remember them tbh. The only nicknames that I have used for a long time was the one I had back when APB was still a thing, from June '08 up until April '11, when I was know as [Romania]Adryan. This nickname that I have now is actually my real life name, modified slightly with numbers that correspond to their certain letter of the alphabet. The reasoning behind this was that, back in 2011 I was working on a texture pack for APB's vehicles and I really wanted to write my name on one of them, namely the light tank. So I came up with A4R91N in one late night in may, and I have been using that name for everything ever since.
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  2. So, it's (probably) that time again, but I've been meaning to do this for a while but I never got round to doing it because I was too afraid to do so. But new community means new things, so I'll start by offering some opinions on TS:Rs maps. Everyone is free to chime in add their thoughts too. I will not be commenting on infantry only maps as they don't matter too much. In no particular order: TS_Isles: The only real complaint here is that the tiberium field tunnel for Nod is more of a hindrance than it is helpful to the team, GDI is able to effectively camp the tunnel with pretty much everything whereas Nod can barely assist due to the obstructive nature of said tunnel. The tunnel is also a means of attack for GDI, so they will almost always destroy any Harvesters that comes by. This isn't necessarily a bad thing but Harvester whoring is always a problem, especially if it is one-sided. A small complaint would also be the tiberium on top of Nod's Helipad hill where Ghostalkers (and Umagons) can exploit this to their advantage. Mainly because he is able to effectively solo the Obelisk without it hitting him in a rather unfair manner. Unfortunately, the 'stairs' don't help because chances are you will die or fall off them due to no railings. (I have had more deaths from falling due to lack of safety features lag/warping) : TS_Under A fairly balanced map, both sides are subject to Harvester whoring which is to be expected given the nature of the map and its origins. The only minor change I would make is to rotate or move Nod's powerplant slightly so it isn't as vulnerable to sneak attacks. Consider that GDI's is protected by two Vulcans which will either kill or heavily damage you. This can even be reinforced by EMP mines to keep the Cyborgs away. The 'artillery island' I am not sure whether that's supposed to be a feature or not but it seems GDI can respond to that fairly well. TS_Shallows Going to be brutally honest, what happened here? The changes beforehand were evidently a quickfix which hasn't solved much. It's like someone spent 5 minutes placing Lasers all over the Nod base and decided it was "fixed". I'm not saying that they don't help because they do, but it just seems so rushed that the editor forgot to address other problems. The map is simply too big to enjoy, it's very frustrating trying to rush all over the place. The GDI base is also full of holes (mostly the rear) which Nod can exploit greatly. I see this map is disliked by a lot of people and it is usually skipped. I am unable to suggest anything other than it to be removed and perhaps reworked in the future. TS_Snow A great map, no real issues other than that Combat Cycles are able to sneak into the GDI base where the mutants reside. A missing blocker it seems. TS_Crossroads If it wasn't for the Nod Artillery, this would be heavily biased towards GDI. Still, it is a little biased towards them. Amphibious attacks are the most common and successful way to win for GDI and that should remain and be encouraged. However, it is almost impossible to stop them as it currently is because most Nod units are unable to do anything because the AAPC and HMLRS are able to get out of range and the only thing that stands before them is a small island with a single Laser. Some buildings such as the Construction Yard and Refinery are prime targets and even offer direct drop-offs for such attacks, which is almost impossible to replicate on the GDI side. Additionally, the Nod base is far too spread out so Nod has to run around all the time whereas GDI are a little cosy. I feel these changes might make the map a little fairer: An infantry path connecting the Laser island (this'll eliminate an exploit at the same time) A slight rearrangement of the Nod base, so it isn't as vulnerable from all sides, primarily the rearer section which is, funny enough, Nod's heart A Laser between the Nod Construction Yard and Refinery, that way it's in line with GDI's Vulcans by theirs The Obelisk could be moved further forward, it's not helpful in its current position as GDI can easily slip by it Nod Artilleries should be required to come a little closer to the GDI base, although I'm not really sure how this can be worked in without creating odd blockers... OR, as a bit of a radical idea, how about base location swaps? TS_GrandCanyon Another fairly balanced map. Only change required is to make the Nod tiberium field a little bigger so it can be utilised correctly. TS_Field A simple map which needs no real change but I wonder whether GDI really needs the MK2 here. Nod lost their Artillery, should GDI be allowed the MK2 here? Ever since Nod lost their Artillery, GDI usually stomps Nod. On a side note, what happened to Field2? That seemed like an interesting map, has it been permanently removed or will it return? I have omitted a few maps as I don't have an opinion on them or haven't played them enough. This is all I could think off the top of my head but hopefully this is in any way helpful. (:
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