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Showing most liked content on 03/16/2015 in all areas

  1. Starring myself, NaokiP, GeneralCamo, Voe, and AZ_Stalker.
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  2. Hi i yust got a crazy idea wat about making a map thats inside a huge cave system which ther is 8 tiberium silos inside 4 gdi silos 4 nod silos 1 hand of nod 1 barracks 2 vulcano cannon compoment towers 2 laser turrets its a map suggestion that i yust had in my head
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  3. Some minor suggestions... - Increase component tower hitbox back to what it used to be? I feel like it's really annoying having to aim for that tiny little turret at the top, whereas many versions ago you could shoot at the base of the tower to damage it. - Add a few purchase terminals to the Nod War Factory's second floor. - Maybe give veteran and elite infantry the ability to slowly self-heal up to half their max hp? - Let veteran engineer slowly self-heal vehicles that he's driving. I remember there was something mentioned about elite engineers being able to do this, but it didn't seem to work on the one occaision I managed to get one fully promoted. Also, elite engineer seems pretty rare to come by, so I'm thinking it should get this at the second rather than third rank.
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  4. I think I would've been more annoyed about that failure of an APC rush if it wasn't for the fact that I used a stealth tank to do the exact same thing to a bunch of other people previously
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  5. Sounds interesting. Cant wait to see it.
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  6. engineer briefcase have a huge impact on buildings now. Please nerf it! And buff the disc thrower a bit again. its useless now
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