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Showing most liked content on 06/01/2015 in all areas

  1. A quick question If a wallywood could chuck wood, howmuch wood would a wallywood chuck?
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  2. I made that trailer, so we can use it.
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  3. Better integration into communities. I'm in a clan right now Fourtwogaming, and we have a bunch of our members play this game. Actually finding this game is hard too, i had to explain it to them that you don't actually download the game, but instead you download the W3D hub launcher and down the game from there. A little bit confusing i'll admit considering i had to explain it to all the people in the clan, and even then most of them couldn't be bothered due to all the steps needed. Also we even considered having our own server. It would be nice to have a leaderboard that tracked stats. Better dedicated server support so other people can run their own servers. Unlockable ribbons that actually can get attached to your name like if you rank up to a pvt or sgt it should show in-game. Steam support as a free to play game on steam would probably be for the best then.
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  4. >All in all your making a lot of calls while properly having no experience with any of the stuff that you are talking about. Some of us work in the industry and don't appreciate silly pissing contests about whose mod is better than whose. Your mod is neat. Good job on it. Please stop posting here only with the intention of trolling. >I've actually written a thesis for my Masters degree in Games Design To second this, my degree is a bachelor of fine arts in game art and design.
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  5. Your assumption is actually really funny, because I've actually written a thesis for my Masters degree in Games Design (I can screenshot it to prove it if you don't believe me) about putting vehicles into UDK, which resulted in this video right here: Basically, I used uscript and hated it and then came to the conclusion that Renegade is much easier to do what I want to do in. We've got rather a lot of different unique gameplay mechanics in both games, so I'll list a few. All Projects - Veterancy - The Purchase Sidebar - Flying infantry Tiberian Sun: Reborn - The Underground Logic - The Mobile Sensor Array logic - Deployable vehicles (like the tick tank, artillery and Juggernaut) - Replenishable aircraft that make use of helipads to resupply - Amphibious units Apocalypse Rising - Remote Controllable Vehicles - Terror Drones - Veterancy - Flying Infantry - Deployable Infantry (GI, Guardian GI) - Deployable Aircraft (Siege Chopper) - Minor and Major Weakpoints - Reinforcement Bays (once the war factory/barracks has been destroyed players can use the reinforcement bay to buy units to stay in the game, this building does not count towards base destruction) - Prism Towers focus ability - Tesla Coil charging up with Tesla weapons in low power situations - Mirage Tanks - Prism Beam refraction - Country-specific unit picker (Picks a random country at the start of each battle and grants units accordingly) All of these features would be a terrible amount of effort to reimplement for very little gain to us. We already have all of these things working in Renegade, so why switch? There is the lure of a better toolset and better graphics sure, but I don't think that moving to the RenXDK even for an interim version would benefit us. We'd lose more time that would be better spent either on Renegade or on UE4. However, if people want to come and adapt our games, then they are welcome to apply to join us. It's all about supplying the demand and if people demand it that much then they will come and make it happen. In all fairness, you guys are around 3 years too late for me to be excited about this.
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  6. Any self respecting programmer should be smart enough to understand that learning a language that can't be applied to more than one thing is pretty useless in the real world. When you say that programmers should know more than one language, then yeah sure you're right there, but that language shouldn't be uscript. Javascript, C++, C#, Python and Lua are all infinitely more useful languages to know than uscript. Hell, even HTML is more practically useful than uscript. Whilst uscript is useful for UDK, times have changed and game engine technology has advanced. UDK is old and is slowly becoming very niche. Why should we move from one niche to another when the current Unreal Engine offers far better tools and a programming language that aligns with our own? Even though all the of the basic game-mode logic is in place, the fact of the matter is that Renegade is incredibly simple when compared to something like AR and TSR. The code that drives our units is better suited to an engine with better tools that uses the same language. Even if uscript is 90% like C++, that doesn't stop it from being completely obsolete thanks to UE4. You're not really selling this very well for me here. If you want to get a team together and apply to join us, then be my guest. I'd be all for accommodating this project if enough people want to work on it and the rest of us agree. It would be mutually beneficial if the two projects were to work alongside each other if such a thing were to happen because we have a good infrastructure that could be made use of. However, it's not really sporting or honourable of you to underhandedly start up a mod of the same name with the blessings of people who don't even work on the project anymore. At least have the decency to call it something different and make your own assets if you plan on going it alone.
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  7. How about I raise all of you with some Tech Buildings that were ACTUALLY in TS! Tech Armoury: The team that captures has the ability to enter it and gain a FREE veteran status! Tech Hospital: The team that captures it has innate healing! As for your other ideas: Mutant Mercenary Outpost: Not really possible, though you may see some of these units in crates. Engineer Lab: Too Overpowered. Besides, this kind-of conflicts with our plans for Vehicle Veterancy. ..Seriously though. We have been considering ideas for Tech Buildings. We just haven't been focusing on them yet.
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  8. I can't believe I forgot about that :/ I've gone back and finished what I had done before I suddenly forgot it even existed: (edit: sorry for typo >.<)
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  9. Here it is! I couldn't help but see it as something from Top Gun or another late 80s movie so I kind of went with it. Hope you don't mind And a less silly version
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  10. I personally hate when games just pile rocks up as cliffs, it makes me die inside.
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