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Showing most liked content on 06/15/2015 in all areas

  1. Hey everyone. Sorry about the recent silence, we have been busy. VERTi60 has recorded some neat footage from yesterday's test however, and I thought I would share it to you: Just a few notes: HUD was an experimental change in this patch, it isn't finished. The reason for the missing health and ammo displays is because I forgot to include font files... The enforcer is using placeholder models for the character and weapon. While the character MAY be released with the placeholder, the weapon for sure will not be. You may notice Field_2 is back. It has been renamed to Field, with the original Field being renamed to Desert_River So what is left you may ask? Add new logic for Jumpjets so they cannot fly inside buildings or tunnels Fix up some maps Add the new Sabotage beacons to Chameleon Spies Finish off the new HUD These will take a bit, but the wait shouldn't be too long now. This patch pretty much finalized the disk thrower and the enforcer balancing, and really the only tweaking needed is in Jumpjets and some new features.
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  2. Actually we only have 11 testers: Hardly everyone in the community. You should instead look at our 48 developers.
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  3. Hah, not everyone! As an example, you aren't (yet ).
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  4. Actually I copied the Battle for Dune HUD. Funny how they get a freepass but we don't. But we needed a concept, so someone else could later go in and design a proper HUD, like this concept: This was made by Dentistman, one of our testers. He certainly has talent, and this will likely be used to make the final version
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