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Showing most liked content on 10/30/2015 in all areas

  1. I had a super long reply typed out and almost finished when i accidentally hit the "back" shortcut key on my keyboard and lost every bit of it It was so long that most people would not have cared to read. Tell ya what though: get me 10 likes on this post letting me know there's interest in what i have to blab about and I'll retype it all! Until then, use Linux! :
  2. Happy now everyone or does it need a tophat.
    1 like
  3. 1 like
  4. @Isaac, you misspelled "praise" in your avatar :stare:
    1 like
  5. Windows 7 definitely. Win XP and Win 98 were great but Win 7 is still better.
    1 like
  6. In all seriousness, I'm not making light of the Chernobyl / Pripyat disaster. I just thought the pic was funny. No offense intended.
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