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Showing most liked content on 12/14/2015 in all areas

  1. Update bump. January 8 will be my last day working here at the motorhome plant. I have decided to pursue a 2-year business degree so that when I hopefully someday open a computer repair shop, I won't be totally lost on the business aspect of things. I will be resuming my "part-time" position at the college in their IT department, but I will be allowed to work as much as I want. It is a minimum wage job ($7.25/hr) but at least its something. I am actually quite excited about it because I will be returning to work in my hometown (and state) and the drive will be less than 10 minutes.
  2. So Quixel Suite 2 is out now (after weeks of hard work on all of our parts), and I decided to take my old freight train project into it. Here's what I have so far.
  3. How many of you would be interested in participating in an organized game event where we would play Project Reality, a free standalone total conversion of Battlefield 2? The organizational side of things would be handled by ZeeHypnotist and AZ-Stalker (myself), provided we get a decent group of people interested. We're aiming for this to take place on Sunday, but that's just an approximated part of the concept - we can of course set it up to when most of us can play since this is the type of thing that stretches to at least a couple of hours of play time due to the massive amounts of fun and excitement happening. :downs: The game would be played in maps filled with bots to keep things interesting while human players accomplish scenarios such as killing or defending a rebel cell leader (one of you!) or rescuing a downed pilot (one of you too!) in hostile lands. We'd play using the LAN software called Tunngle (free) and communicate via TeamSpeak (ts.W3D Hub.com). A microphone isn't required but is HIGHLY recommended since such scenarios rely on us, the players, being able to communicate. If someone wants to join in but doesn't have a microphone at the ready, there's always text chat and listening in on TeamSpeak with us. Project reality also has the feature of building defensive structures on the field from an FPS perspective, so we'd also like to try playing a base war scenario if possible. If you've played Battlefield 2, you'll know how to play this - it's just a bit more "realistic". There will be a few simple rules for play and a small mod (made by Zee) will be needed so everyone can have an easier time. An example would be everyone being able to drive or pilot vehicles instead of being forced to pick up a driver/pilot kit, double grappling hooks, flare guns for pilots and a few other things like that. Anyone interested can leave a comment as to when they are available, ideally this Sunday (20-12-2015). Any other questions you might have, toss them at us as well! PR:BF2 v1.3.5 Full (Standalone Installer) http://www.realitymod.com/downloads (Tip: The game manual has a lot of useful information!)
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  4. You sir, just made my gorn darn day :D
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  5. Good old Worms Forts:Under Siege is completely free (and DRM free) on GoG.com for just over a day or so from now. Get it while you can! http://www.gog.com/game/worms_forts_under_siege?pp=c244ae3ff72155b3680478ca980a898c737b7250
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  6. Jade Empire Deluxe Edition is now free on origin! https://www.origin.com/en-nl/store/free-games/on-the-house Looks fun i will deffo try this
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  7. Take one thread and remove it from your graveyard deck and return it to the front page Now in Warhammer40k flavor.... MWUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA! IT'S ALIVE! ahem, now that that is out of my system, I present to you (Drum roll) High-Macs 3 simulator: http://www.mechadamashii.com/news/news-high-macs-simulator-released/ It's pretty much a Japanese mech shooter based on the old Gungriffin series with loads of added AWESOME such as booting up your mech, deploying out of aircraft, and cluster bombs that wipe out acres of trees err... tanks. Alas, it's all in Japanese so unless you speak/understand that you won't have a clue what's going on but who cares, MECHSPLOSIONS! linky link to download page: http://page.freett.com/grape2004/index.htm
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  8. Not sure how many people here are/were fans of the Tribes series of games, but today Hi-rez released an update for Tribes: Ascend! Its been over 2 and a half years since an update and the game has undergone a major overhaul. On top of that, all the previous Tribes games are free now as well and you can download them here! Lots of really good (AND FREE) games here, just thought I would let everyone know!
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  9. It's been a while since I updated this thread, so have fun with some animated *.GIFs
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  10. Fast forward a few months: I've been working on a new modeling image for my company's website. This is all in UE4, still a work-in-progress but getting closer to being done. You can see the progress images here: http://imgur.com/xJZkxgH,kY97Ulu,aP7k468,WJrBlUf,zX1KPGC,5IOMYDg,NLfAT1R,w3FacSZ,ZUSrO2b,ZcHuwEA,ARKKXyO,cVFvf1Q,8wDJlhc#12
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