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Showing most liked content on 01/28/2016 in all areas

  1. Well, I bet you could field a hundred players on this Allied naval yard, and still have room left to move; (Still a work in progress, and it might seem confusing, but a video at a near-completed state will make sense of the design.)
  2. Microsoft believes the common user is a total moron, which is why they make such warnings. Most of the time lately, they are right. I've had UAC disabled since I got this laptop two years ago and I didn't regret it one single time even for a bit. UAC does nothing but limit and annoy. Kill it with fire and it won't annoy you anymore.
  3. Soviet Soldier Volkov does not need your parachute. Soviet Soldier Volkov can fall great distance and still crush Allied dogs. Be like Soviet Soldier Volkov.
  4. While this is plausible, personally I'd do some minor modifications to the model to make it resemble early versions of the MP5, such as straightening the magazine and texturing some vents onto the handguard: These modifications are easily done and would distinguish it from AR's MP5, as well as making it more appropriate for the time period and showing visible developments in the years between RA/APB and RA2/AR.
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  5. I'd totally play this map with 40+ players
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  6. I'd still like to see snipers with snow and desert camo.
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  7. Noted. Meanwhile, here is the naval yard at early development. I've redone most of the mesh from the original base model for better vertex lighting and texturing, but as you can see I was not kidding when I said the naval yard would be of similar scale to the sub pen; the destroyer is a freakin' huge model and it needs a lot of space to fit in!
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  8. Because the RA timeline units are all babies. TS units are all men who ride their broken plane into the ground while playing a sick guitar solo on a flaming guitar
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  9. It is certainly possible, but why would we use them.
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