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  1. Thanks for the answers. As i said i wont blame or be angry if predictions told may be wrong. I well understand that it (thats why said it may be annoying so sorry). I know that something cause of unforeseen circumstances everything may blow up: major somewhere bug or imbalance or as u were aware of as i heard of strange errors with older maps that occured so had to be removed temporally from rotation (needless to mention personal life matters). I am well aware of such things. Even in fact while I didn't had any SERIOUS project but still I have owned a WAP game. Course its not definitely not same but responsibility yet still great and I know that sometimes may happen what you cant do much about but may screw a lot... And yeah I agree I may seem to be quite eager cause just wanted some news a bit (sorry if I bothered). But otherwise I think I mastered patience quite well plus as I said I have a great nostalgia for this game. I didn't lied that this game is one of the most favorite (or maybe its the best ) so it wouldn't be that one day I am here and another gone without thought of return. Well anyway I see lots of hopes that this gonna be it! (The returned glory of TSR ) And if talking about RA APB then you are damn right that changes been great (although I didn't played it much while it was gamma (and yes I was aware that it got the spotlight)). Changes there been great really (I simply prefer TSR more ). Sometimes my words may be kinda harsh for this game but MAKE NO MISTAKE! I judge this game more because I value the game more. I want for it better future and I REALLY rarely comment or spend time on other games. Don't wanna repeat myself (cause that may be seen as empty words) but still gonna tell this: YOU GUYS ARE GREAT AND KEEP IT UP! I am well aware that you most likely have little time to spare for the game (and your efforts become even more valuable in my eyes). Some may underestimate you... Well what we can really do about some ignorant ones? Well you can try to teach him but if he is truly ignorant then... little hope to make any changes bout it and more likely plenty of wasted time. So best if you ignore such petty upstarts... They are the ones who to feel shame and disappoint of their petty actions. NOT YOU the ones who create and have (I think) plenty of those who appreciate what you do. It may be hard to ignore but remember it and do not allow someone to break your morale and make you give up. To conclude I will manage my eagerness and gonna think as you have partly satisfied my curiosity and I think (at least for now) that should do. Also I do not know much (or maybe nothing at all) about as helpers' part in these games. Maybe if you really have shortage on these maybe I could fit into it and that would really satisfy me to be a part of games I (really) like. P.S. regards to these all whole projects and everyone who truly honestly put many labors on these.
  2. I don't have a good answer to give you Justas_Prime since I'm not involved with the majority of TSRs update operations, but what I can say is that you could always take a brake from the game and not quit it entirely if the wait is getting too long for you. It would be a real shame if you were to not return just because volunteer game developers are having a tough time getting things fixed up in a decent amount of time. We're all here when we can, everyone sacrifices free time to work on these games in one way or another. W3D Hub will continue to work on their games and since APB has taken the spotlight and stress off of TSR's shoulders as the flagship game, developers can now finally take the time to make TSR the great game it deserves to be. When you count in the volunteer / spare time aspect into this, there's really no way to go faster than circumstances dictate. But considering how good APB turned out to be, TSR will probably be able to match that kind of quality if given enough love - so be patient and believe in W3D Hub. Try not to give up because of short-term motivations, because in the long run, after everything everyone is putting into TSR 2.0, I'm sure you'll be happy to have waited along with us to see it take the spotlight alongside APB. So, in conclusion of my own limited viewpoint, you can't put a clear "how long will it take" timeline for a project run by volunteer contributors. Real life can step in at any point and ruin anything we might tell you... lets say I tell you that TSR will be ready in 2 months (ONLY AS AN EXAMPLE) and then something happens to some of us working on the game and that approximation gets blurry and it takes even longer. There is no real way to give you a straight answer other than to approximate which could eventually lead to more disappointment. So what I do is help out where I can, spread motivation and hope for the best. Things are moving forward with each passing day, and that's a great news for anyone waiting on TSR 2.0! So stay strong and hope for the best!
  3. Hit and miss. I honestly prefer the old Grenadier but with some tweaks. This one, whilst it has nice splash, is certainly not worth the $500. I find myself dying to my own grenades than my own target. It's good for defending but it's horrible for assaulting, the building damage is negligble so I'm not really sure what this units purpose is now. (Not that the old one had much to begin with... but he had good mobility, which coupled with the instant explosion quickly dispatched lone guns roaming around)
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  4. Asking a single question... Do you have any ideas how much time that ''FINAL UPDATE'' would require? Month? 3? 6? a year? longer still? Dont wanna bother you with such petty questions (i know they may annoy) but its quite important to me to know. Just kinda really pissed off by already waited (i think) quite a long time with silence and having not a damned single clue bout foreseeable future of TSR. Been kinda fan of the game for a longer time than played. Lately (idk maybe a week or 2) I don't play the game now willingly (pissed off by ignorant ragequiters buggers killwhores (puttana of all kind lol). Now waiting first for the answer about how long this update gonna take and then gonna start consider of waiting for it or not... Simply after update (if waited successfully) would like to make a final decision is it worth staying or not (since this is ''the final update''...). Honestly I am simply loosing the interest on the game and for me that's indeed a great shame (this one was kinda favorite number 1 game of ALL GAMES for me). I don't care much bout these games with fancy graphics so not gonna easily gonna give up on those newer games. Not saying that I am stubborn fool who don't play new games but telling that am kinda choosey. Anyway even through maybe if would go for kinda exile then MAYBE would return after update raretimes (or maybe nostalgia would claim me again lol). Why I wrote such quite a long message? To make myself clear and clarify why I need your answer so much. If don't wanna tell here something then course you may send me PM (I wont blame if your forecast may be wrong (matters mainly that you would not lie of course)). Have a good day! P.S. some may say the game is dead or go to other games like ren x... oh please these aren't so good and plus TSR is not dead. I know it almost with certainty that there are dozens of players who just don't wanna come cause not realising that one by one online player count may increase to a proper good team game like (AT LEAST) 10vs10. I think maybe if devs would tell everyone exactly WHEN to come then more likely more success would come with it. also to something like moralise devs then gonna suggest to even not listen to someone's petty whines bout fancy graphics engines. The current suits well. It may be old and without fancy graphics (which in fact often turn out to be useless...). Also atmosphere of the game and basic things much better shown (needless to say better than UDK (well at least for me)). Suits yourselves there may be many ignorant fools who neither really care bout the game or the efforts you put to the game (unfortunately such reality that many creators may feel their work is underestimated cause of few fools) I really appreciate your hard labors and encourage to not give up. And I think you are having bigger support from the players than you think (even maybe bigger than players themselves realise). Good luck!
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  5. Yes, or a phone call interrupting a game.
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  6. Links to the episodes on the now defunct GR forum don't lead anywhere. Please check out the few comics I've made at Zee's site from now on everyone: http://zeehive.net/tiberian-daylight/
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