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Showing most liked content on 05/01/2016 in all areas

  1. Having some fun with 3DO's new GGX shaders (1-1 with Unreal 4) with proper linear rendering.
  2. Or on maps with refineries, put a memo on the soviet silo telling any thieves they can't rob this silo and tell them to rob the refinery instead. Put a middle finger sign while you're at it.
  3. Interesting thought, but then comes the question of how best to word such an announcement. Like, I don't want to encourage someone to go AFK upon joining. Maybe some server message announcement that instead encourages players to invite their friends or to reach out and tell others about this game.
  4. delta, the fastest gun liker in the west
  5. I'd say ramps leading out of the water would look and function better than ladders. Or just teleport the guy back into the Sub Pen, like how Forest of Illusion has teleport zones. Or just forcibly place the player into the sub when they buy it, like it's done with the Cyborg Reaper in Reborn.
  6. Some of you might know that I develop video games for the U.S. Army. Here's a sampling of some of the work I've created: F-16C Falcon/Viper (modeled, UVed, textured, animated, rigged) inside of my UDK environment designed for I/ITSEC 2014 here in Orlando. F/A-18E Super Hornet (modeled, UVed, textured, animated, rigged) inside of my quick mockup of Nellis Air Force Base for I/ITSEC 2014. Uses models from other members of my team. The environment (terrain modeling and texture painting) was developed by me, but the structures and terrain textures (with the exception of the taxiway markings) are work that my team developed. I've got a variety of ~20,000 polygon game-quality models and low-poly Renegade-like models I can put up here if anyone is interested. The more I dig through my old office work the more likely it is that I'll update my portfolio. Which, of course, I haven't touched since 2011.
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  7. I've wanted to post this for a while but I've never really thought about it much until navy got re-introduced and there's just a few things that just niggle at me that's kinda important as it actually puts me off using the Soviet navy at times. 1.) As far as I'm aware, you still have to jump on the sub and then press E to get in. This in itself is highly irritating, especially if you've got lag and then you fall off and it's pretty much gg. I've tried simply walking very near it (and even then you can still slide off the platform and die) and you can't enter them like how the Allies do. Can this be changed in anyway? 2.) If nothing can really be done about that in a feasible way, then can we at least have ladders in the docking/creation bay so that infantry can easily get out and try again without having to spawn in a really far away building? (Again, something the Allies don't have to worry about) Plus, maybe a small grace period in that area so fallen infantry won't start drowning immediately. (emphasis on small so it can't be abused)
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  8. So arty/v2 are still way too pivotal on Coastal Influence. What do you guys think about having a plateau in the middle of the island like this: To make arty/V2 have to travel farther before attacking, give infantry more breathing room on the island, give counter-arty artys a nice big target to hit for splash damage if they can't hit the enemy artys directly, and make scouting harder? To compensate for this, the area around the lighthouse will be deforested a little to give more room for vehicles to move since they won't be able to go around the south side of the house. Bear in mind that this one right here also has invisible projectile blockers over it, so arc shots can't fire over it (if they could then these barriers would just make arty/v2 even stronger)
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  9. Take that, Einstein. I liked his post before you did!
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  10. This is why team needs to push out if ore trucks wanna harvest gem fields in the middle of maps, so they can protect them, attacking vulnerable harvesters foolish enough to wander alone can really make a difference on the enemy's game. Making the gems field far away would encourage more harvester attacking and defending so I hope the distance is worth it. The main problem is the distance of the gems whether is it worth to go harvesting an extra distance (with extra risks) just to get 3x reward. The slowness of the harvesters is slightly demotivating because some players get bored but I agree with the speed, you gotta put in more patience to earn those credits. At least the horn sound is fun to use in conjunction with the 'Get out of my way!" command. Now start harvesting! I would like to see teamwork with players protecting and attacking harvesters.
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  11. From that preview shot I thought he was going to actually hold the shield while someone else shot at it...which wouldn't be safe at all, lol.
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  12. ^ Realistically, a fight between a Soviet Mammoth and a GDI Mammoth might as well be this, since it'd be like putting an old Pershing tank against an M1A2 Abrams
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