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Showing most liked content on 05/25/2016 in all areas

  1. Battle for Dune: War of Assassins have released their latest update! This update features what the team have been up to, what's being worked on and what to expect from them next! Hey everyone, so as always it's been a super long time since we've put out any form of real update. Well here's what's been going on and what else we have planned! So if you were left feeling a little bit confused by our April update, it was indeed an April Fools joke. We aren't going to be moving over to an RTS, I'm sorry to those who were looking forward to the idea but we're still working towards a release with our current project! What's been going on? Scripts 5.0 Build Quite recently we made the jump to the latest scripts build that TT has to offer, version 5.0. This is the version that the currently released APB Delta uses and TS: Reborn are planning on releasing with soon! With these new scripts comes a lot of features with both graphical things and with what we can do. As most of you who have been following the project might of seen that we've had sprinting for awhile now in a video feature, and those who have played APB will have seen a different version, their's is thanks to 5.0 and ours is thanks to a script by triattack. Other things we can do with 5.0 is improve upon old features and create them closer to how we originally wanted them implemented, but couldn't due to limitations such as the Carryall and Harvester logic. Along with changing how Carryalls and Harvesters behave we also plan to completely redo the Sandworm script, as this can be improved majorly! Fixing 5.0 Created Bugs With new scripts builds come bugs and broken features. We've been busy fixing everything that broke when we moved over to 5.0 but there are still some issues that need ironing out, mostly with harvesting. Our version of sprinting is also not working 100% currently, which is a bit of a drag but should be a-ok next build! Maps Revamped The current maps we have ingame are fairly old, and look it. So the objective is to get them up to scratch, make improvements where needed, and update the texture work. They also lack detail in some ways, even more so in light of recent W3D levels! Fine Tuning Some of our core gameplay isn't exactly where we want it to be, so extra effort is being put in to make sure this changes. We're constantly taking a look at what's working, what doesn't and what just doesn't make sense. All with the hope that when we do get a release out to you guys, it's something we can truly be proud of! BFD_LimaOutpost So for those of you who saw our little April Fools update, you may have noticed a new map poking it's head out. This is in fact a new TDM map called Lima Outpost! It's a remake of the Renegade Tutorial terrain, which is a small Harkonnen outpost shielded in a cliff circle. There will be weapons, health packs and shield packs to pick up that will spawn in random locations. The time limit will be set to around 5 minutes, expect to hear more on this soon! Future Happenings We still have a fair amount left to do before we can release. With this, we are going to try and keep you as updated as possible with small new feeds of our progress! Some things we hope to show to you soon are; More Map Updates With the standards of our levels falling behind other W3D projects we are revamping what we currently have. On top of this we are also working on new maps which we'll hopefully be able to show off soon! New Harkonnen Weapons We have a couple of new Harkonnen weapons that we need to rig up and get ingame, what they are and how they'll work we'll hopefully be demonstrating in our next update. New First Person Hands Since day one, we've been using the old C&C Renegade hands and we thought that it was about time that we finally set up our own. There isn't much else to say on the matter right now, but hopefully in the near future we'll have something to show off! Do not trust the Lady Elara That's it once again for another one of our rare updates (hopefully not so rare from here on..), as always be sure to tell us what you think and keep following us here, on Facebook, Twitter and IndieDB!
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  2. Let me start with the cancerous thing that is coastal influence. Like say, if both bridges are out, but that there is an arty on said island there is now way to get rid of it. Arty duel you say? Well, that would be OK, if a stupid bug did not exist where a shell hits the side of the cliff somehow kills my V2 which is by the BARRACKS. Also, who's idea was it the give the allies 3 turrets and a pillbox on the landward route, a pillbox on the bridge and yet ANOTHER pill-box that covers both routes?! And also the horrid sov service depot positions that are utterly un-defend-able. The re one does not even have to be hit, because of that stupid bug from earlier, you know, the one that makes aiming unnecessary? and the one that is far away from the base, and out of range of FT's? the allies don't suffer such a dumb service depot spot?! (and plus they have mechs.) *takes a few very deep breaths* *takes out all cuss words out of above statement* here are my suggestions: 1.) allies lose base defenses, that almost never get attacked by land because of arty pressure by the allies. 2 of the turrets need to go, as well as the bar. pillbox. 2.) change sov. service depot placement- put one between the ref and the radar dome, and move the other one closer to base. 3.) Give us some way to the the island after the bridges are dead, like a beach on the lake side so the island can be cleared. 4.) put more hedgehogs on allies side to reduce arty (possibly unnecessary). P.S. sorry to the map maker, really, but I came off a game just now, and we (sovs) outnumbered the other team. It was cancerous.
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  3. https://secure.w3dhub.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=415613&p=621209 On top of that a bunch of Allied defenses are already being removed in the next build, but the remaining ones will be moved closer together so they cover each other better.
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  4. Small update (but big in terms of development time): The map has been re-textured from scratch. In this process I've split the map terrain file up in two for easier material management; a main terrain file, and a castle file. In the process of re-texturing I've managed cut down approximately 300 unnecessary draw calls without a loss of texture detail, via merging mesh while retaining UVW coordinates. Also, additional texture detail added in places that previously did not have them. Finally, and this will impact gameplay slightly, both team bases will be thematically different; The Allied base is on a grass surface with lots of grass, shrubberies, and trees. The Soviet base is on a concrete/dirt surface with more industrial props laying around. Current estimation is that W3D testers can get their hands on a playable version of the map (without alternate objective) this coming weekend.
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  5. Just a heads up for anyone interested, FRACTURED SPACE has now gone free2play and can be downloaded from STEAM
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  6. So arty/v2 are still way too pivotal on Coastal Influence. What do you guys think about having a plateau in the middle of the island like this: To make arty/V2 have to travel farther before attacking, give infantry more breathing room on the island, give counter-arty artys a nice big target to hit for splash damage if they can't hit the enemy artys directly, and make scouting harder? To compensate for this, the area around the lighthouse will be deforested a little to give more room for vehicles to move since they won't be able to go around the south side of the house. Bear in mind that this one right here also has invisible projectile blockers over it, so arc shots can't fire over it (if they could then these barriers would just make arty/v2 even stronger)
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