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Showing most liked content on 05/30/2016 in all areas

  1. Here is a second pass on the Allied base, minus detail objects. As you can see, the base is a lot more compact, and there are elevation differences between buildings in order to eliminate the flat surfaces (The CY and WF are on a hill, the Barracks is in a lower ditch). The ore mine will be under the castle, meaning the Ore Truck(s) have to actually drive towards the action, rather than away from it.
  2. Stormy Valley was the first map I ever did "major" editing on if the lumpy hills are any indication The hills should be a tad more believable after this revisit.
  3. The best way to detect mines is to grab an engineer. These units are able to detect mines in a 30 meter radius around them. They do so with a pinging noise and an icon on the radar. They are also the best way to clear them, as the engineer's clearing charges instantly kills mines. Grab a supply truck and you can refill these clearing charges in the field, great to prepare for a tank push. Or you could hop in a ranger with a Tanya and have fun that way.
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  4. EMP mines, set by GDI Riot Troopers. These mines disable enemy vehicles and cyborgs. Barracks: See enemy infantry roster War Factory: See enemy vehicle count Refinery: See total enemy credits Power Plant: Disable power, most noticeably the Tesla Coil if present I forget if infiltrating the Construction Yard or Radar Dome did something; I want to say disable passive base repairs and reveal enemy positions respectively, although I could be wrong.
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  5. The only weapons that can't hurt mines are pistols, snipers, redeyes, other mines, and MAD tank shockwaves. Unlike vehicles, mines are vulnerable to splash damage. Mines self-heal 20 seconds after taking damage, until they become hidden again. They cannot be repaired by any tools; if they COULD be repaired by tools, it'd be possible to increase their health far higher than the intended amount - as demonstrated during Gamma where the fools in charge decided to make mines vulnerable to the Mechanic's wrench (yeah totally not allied biased). Any mine that had been wrenched was not only able to survive a V2 landing a foot away from it, but the mine wouldn't even be revealed!
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  6. plot twist: forg was the second thief
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