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Showing most liked content on 06/16/2016 in all areas

  1. Hello! Regarding the Soviet War Factory, would it be possible to attach a red star (see second picture) right here (see below picture). About the Soviet Barracks, how about we change the flag from the existing flag to the actual Soviet flag? If not then I understand, I'll just edit the current flag to the Soviet one. This one regards vehicle camouflage. I was wondering what other players thought about removing the option to change the camouflage and just making them map specific, snow for snow maps, green for green maps, etc.? Maybe do this and then allow to change to the black camouflage as the two options? Is this even possible? While we're on camouflage, will soldiers ever get a camouflage option? I noticed that Tanya now has the option. None of this is really important for the game but it's something I've been thinking about for a while and I just wanted to get this topic over and done with. Thanks for reading!
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  2. This raises another question. What if they're all lying to save face? D:
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  3. The number of AI in my implementation is gradually decreasing as players join the server, making the battle always interesting even on low player level counts. Plus removing bots from interfering games with a lot of players. Since Saberhawk halved the memory needed that the pathfind generation uses, it might be an idea to retry it on some smaller maps that crashed before in APB. I have a pathfind blocker around all water meshes in AR, plus a pathfind generator ON the water. Result: AI don't try to drive onto the water but they still shoot naval units and hovering units (e.g. Robot Tanks). And the AI have no problem destroying bases either (or defending/repairing their own), since I taught them how to shoot buildings. Simple: target markers on the building walls that the AI shoot at to damage it. The gameplay is much more interesting compared to that joke map in Renegade Skirmish mode. And yes it took a ton of time to get all this working, but now it takes 3-5 minutes to add bot support to any map. Of course there is room for more improvements but it's already at a quite enjoyable level.
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  4. I think you have an overcomplicated theory about AI implementation. I did several tests that lets me spawn and remove them on any map easily based on whatever event I wish. In my opinion, I'm not over-complicating it. You need a structured design to follow as guideline for all levels so that the implementation is consistent across all levels. Map-specific mechanics aside of course, but I assumed the request was for AI presence in all maps. I'd personally only design AI for all levels if it only kicked in when player counts are below 3 or 4 per team. And that would still mean you need to design what their purpose is besides simply existing. Not to mention that sending AI to objectives via waypoints and scripts would need a consistent implementation approach - but this is beyond my knowledge as I've never implemented AI in such a way before. Unless of course the design demands that these AI units are on base defender-only duty, but without changing the way the AI can identify targets beyond their generated space, this would cause issues, as Pushwall already pointed out. Creative work-around can be done on this such as creating a separate AI firing range pathfind generated region that does not connect to their travel space, but that's messy trickery and untested, not to mention a lot of extra work for each level. Another lovely problem that we then ignore: generating pathfind on APB levels makes LevelEdit crash due to memory issues, because of their size. The tools were designed for box canyon maps of CamosCanyon-size. Now it is my understanding that new level tools are on the to-do list, but that's still quite a way off. And icing on the cake; I'd personally want script logic that allows me to change AI behavior or send customs based on the health percentage of the AI unit. Meaning a way to make an AI unit "panic" or act more defensively once his health drops below a certain point, or start using a different weapon. I'd also like to see AI health reset to full if they remain unharmed for 2 minutes or so (essentially a modified functionality of the existing health regeneration effect), while ensuring the percentage based triggers still function additional times after such a health reset(s). And then some.
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