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Showing most liked content on 06/26/2016 in all areas

  1. I'm not disagreeing - I simply suggested there are more ways to go about things. The cutting example was given as a proposed solution to issues seen in Raptor's image. Your answer requires a restart of the work in order for it to properly function to the best effect. Historically my work for APB has always been mostly revolving around editing and fixing issues, so as a result I generally think from that point of view. My last two contributions are no different, originating primarily from old work (HW dating back to 2006, Siege to ~2011). It's always a lot easier to work "clean" on a fresh project, which is why some of my newer assets are less messy. Edit: To be clear however, ChopBam has a lot more experience in this work than I do (I do not do this for a living). So please don't consider my point of view in any way as something that de-values Chop's input.
  2. A recently discovered bug since the stats reset, this is on the to-do list of updating the system.
  3. The official release of the Red Alert: A Path Beyond stats system! Hello everyone! We have a big announcement for you! We've been collecting game data and working hard behind the scenes in the past few months and now we proudly present to you our reworked, Official Statistics and Ranking System for RA:APB! For A long requested feature, you can now find your place among the best players. Head ingame, collect all the medals and rank up now! Get your rank! In our stats system, you will climb up the ranks from Private and progress towards Corporal, Sergeant, and so forth. All new players will be set to Allied ranking by default. For those who wish to attain Soviet rankings such as Gefreiter and Praporshchik, type !defect when in-game. In doing so, you will be welcomed to the USSR and from then on climb up the Soviet ladder. Should you change your mind at any time later and wish to return to Allied rankings, type !defect again and you will be welcomed back into the Allied coalition. See how you rank up against everyone else and if you climbed or dropped a rank, see your total score and k/d ratio, how many games you have won as either Allied or Soviet, and how many times you have earned the MVP spot. You can even see when someone last played or is online now! Additionally, you can click on any player's name to see their detailed statistics such as unique building kills and medal information just to name a few. For your country! Even see how you rank up together as a country versus another country's players: Rank images into your forum signature Proudly show off your ranking with our signature rank images, which highlight your current rank statistics: Climb the ranks and we'll see who is the best! As of this announcement, all stats have been reset! The number one spot on the leaderboards is yours for the taking! See you on the battlefield! The system is still getting a lot of updates as we speak so it is far from finished. For example, the medals will get a visual update and we are planning on reintroducing clan wars and adding clan statistics to this ranking system. Game nights will also be recorded separately and you'll find the best players of them and other special events when we'll host them. A big thanks go out to @rantanplan for the coding, making the stats system a reality and @oxi for letting us base the system on his. @Pushwall, @triattack, @GeneralCamo and @moonsense715 have been working closely together with rantanplan to shape the system. Thanks for the rest of the W3D Hub team (including testers) for the constant feedback, testing and support. For those that are wondering, yes, TS: Reborn will also get its own, similar ranking system a bit later.
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  4. Yup, BigJoe beat me to it There are ways to force a power-on to test some things but I wouldn't recommend that unless you're really comfortable with that type thing. And it involves a paper clip if you don't have the tool that was made to do it so....yeah. I would leave it unplugged until you can either get the power supply tested or replaced. Leaving it powered can actually damage other components even if its "off" (because part of it is actually on all the time while its plugged in). Leaving it powered with a damaged power supply can actually feed "dirty power" to the other components and that's not good for them. On the bright side, you're probably looking at less than $75 for a replacement unless you just have a really high power demand, and it only takes a few minutes to do if you take it to a shop. Best of luck!
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  5. It definitely does sound like a power related issue. With what you are describing I cannot see it being anything hardware related outside of the PSU. The only thing I can recommend is a new PSU as well as a power strip (plugging your PC directly into a wall socket is kind of a no-no). Even during the times that the computer seemed to be powering fine from the PSU, that does not necessarily mean that your PSU problems went away. It simply could be going through its last moments before finally dying out.
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  6. NodGuy! Wallywood! Chopbam! You're dragging down our national average!
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  7. Many of you who are aware of me know that I love the Terry Crews old spice commercials, particularly the ones with the classic "WTF Boom" mixed in. Never seen them before? Well, check out this beautiful compilation. Quite entertaining, aren't they? Well now, you can enjoy the magic of Old Spice ingame! It's so powerful it can cause serious damage to the enemy base! Yeah it is! Who said that? Was that my left bicep? No, it was my Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabdominals. Okay enough beating around the bush. This pack transforms Demolition Trucks into Old Spice trucks! Check the preview: In addition, the Old Spice whistle (complete with Terry Crews awesomeness) is now the signal that a demo truck is armed. Finally, the chargeup/detonation is the classic "WTF Boom" meme. This affects the nuclear missile as well, so have fun! You can download the pack here: https://www.mediafire.com/?p9stzi9hiamcg96 Oh, and just one more thing: Buh ba bum buh buh bah POWER!
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