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Showing most liked content on 12/09/2016 in all areas

  1. FrostburnCove is still in design stages, but I can give you at least a few quick facts, because these have been finalized a while ago: At its core, the map is set in cold and snowy Russia. The map is between 25% to 33% the scale of Siege, which means the map is much more compact and with limited open space. It will most likely be the most dense map in APB Delta, and the effect of that will be limited vehicle maneuverability. Roughly 1/3rd of the map is a Soviet R&D facility where MAD Tank technology was developed, and something else... The plot of the map is simple; Something went boom, and both factions have set up their base nearby to find out what happened. You can expect prototype vehicles present in this map. At least one of these vehicles is not native to the Red Alert universe. The map will feature small bases without base defenses. Aircraft is still something I'm undecided on; My focus is on good ground gameplay and great secondary objectives, and air vehicles may not necessarily add to this in a positive way. Expect lava, including new effects for it. That is all for now. I will not be posting as many updates as I did for Siege. I plan to keep most things a bit secret.
  2. Huh, how strange, it indeed worked. I'm not going to bother asking how this works, since I'm clearly too convinced it was magic. As for auto backups, those always worked for me.
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  3. Hey! That reminds me of a tool i use every other day! A simple reg edit that adds a context menu option to take ownership of any file or folder! Really straight forward, and since these are .reg files, you can inspect their contents yourself if you don't trust it TakeOwnership Context.zip
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  4. I pushed for that direction when I was still with BHP. People mostly disagreed on this approach so it was never done. If I had the time, rights, and access, I would have added objectives to some of the existing maps in APB Delta, but unfortunately I got none of those things. Perhaps someone else one day picks the idea up... But for that, we need a larger playerbase. Edit: I guess with Siege released (soonish according to Pushwall), my forum title can get changed to not refer only to HostileWaters?
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  5. It could be re-titled RA Christmas 2 ? (The devs are probably saying "no don't mention that!")
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