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Showing most liked content on 01/09/2017 in all areas

  1. I voted to keep MBT passenger capability, as well as providing my reasoning, but the votes are there. It's a M24 Chaffee here. M24 Chaffee for life. My choice of tank, APB and WOT.
  2. My biggest concern with this update is the removal of the carpooling ability for MBTs. Think of the children memes environment! What about all the CO2 we could have saved by driving more than 1 man per vehicle? Now people are going to want a tank for themself! Disclaimer: All the above is bullshit, and it seems like a great minipatch
  3. I've just pushed the beginings of a Zero Hour reimplementation project to https://github.com/T...blyArmada/Thyme if anyone is interested in contributing to such a project. The project is using a similar approach to the one recently used successfully by the OpenRCT2 project. That is, the reimplementation is initially being implemented as a dll that is injected into the game run time that replaces the games functions with new implementations as they are written, allowing it to be reimplemented a bit at a time. I've already reimplemented the custom memory allocator the game uses as well as a couple of string classes. Its very early days for the project, but if anyone has some C++ knowledge and is interested in getting involved, drop by the #thyme channel on freenode.net IRC. When some significant progress has been made it should become possible to fix engine bugs and add additional features to the game.
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  4. We've received your reports of the increased server lag and corresponding warping. Thanks to the efforts of our scripts and coding team, we have found the fix and will implement it in the coming patch. We've received your reports of the increased server lag and corresponding warping. Thanks to the efforts of our scripts and coding team, we have found the fix and will implement it in the coming patch. For those of you who wish to not wait until the patch, type ~ or F8 while ingame and type nur 30 see attachment and see top left.
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  5. Now free of rubberbanding, dotted tracers, black water and MBT carpooling! Red Alert: A Path Beyond Update There's one day left until the first year anniversary of Delta's initial release, but I was never the type to intentionally delay important things just to have them happen on a date that sounds better. Plus it's not exactly a "megapatch" worthy of that anyway. Since the recent rubberbanding troubles have been so troubling, I wanted to get this patch out as soon as the fix was made. Enjoy! Changelist GENERAL NetUpdateRate is now set correctly, this should annihilate your rubberbanding problems! Being scoped in when the map ends no longer causes you to stay scoped on the next map. Added engine.cfg override for monitor refresh rate. Added armour bar to HUD target box for any unit that has armour. This should reduce the confusion about inconsistencies in weapon damage. INFANTRY Infantry armour is now more effective against "weak" explosive splash damage, reducing health damage by 62.5% instead of 50%, and the armour itself is completely immune to this damage. Effectiveness of "strong" explosives (artillery, V2, C4 and hand grenades) is unchanged. VEHICLES Light Tank, Medium Tank, Heavy Tank, Mammoth Tank can no longer carry passengers. BUILDINGS Purchase terminal zones now have physical collision, so it is no longer possible to get so close to them that you are unable to use them. Fixed shape of Construction Yard roof VIS sector, should prevent some oddities when camera is over the "arch". Construction Yard second floor has grates beneath the PCTs, so even if the PT zones fail, you should not fall through them when buying stuff. Added blocker behind MCV in non-tunnel version of Construction Yard basement, so it is no longer possible to get stuck behind it. Sub Pen now has mesh fences on the ends of the piers, making it harder for Allied infantry to disembark directly into the pen (but still possible) and harder to fall into the water while trying to defend against navy as an RPG/Volkov. Naval Yard now uses the same mesh fencing as the Sub Pen. Collision plane on Allied Barracks basement stairway now properly connects to the lower floor; this means that infantry descending the stairs will no longer "fall" and get accuracy penalties as a result. AESTHETICS Added Kaskins' Imperial Age bullet tracers with his permission, to replace the outdated and broken emitter-based tracers. Weather particles no longer fall through water; this also allows us to add weather back to naval maps that previously had it at some point. MAPS RA_HostileWaters: Added light snowfall. Fixed water brightness. Water now fades at shorelines. RA_Siege: Fixed water brightness. EVA now reminds you about the cannon side objective every so often. Cannons now repair at half the previous rate and take 25% more damage from Hinds. Cannons now use the same radar marker as base defenses. Added collision planes to the landing pads, so ground vehicles should not get stuck on them and infantry walking onto them should not "fall". Fixed a bad texture blend on the hills behind Soviet base. RA_Under: Added snowfall. Parts of the Soviet Radar Dome are no longer untargetable.
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  6. It's a M24 Chaffee here.
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  7. Combined some older recordings with new footage. The result is APB Madness 6, moments of joy, sorrow and confusement.
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