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Showing most liked content on 02/20/2017 in all areas

  1. Hi everyone! Just a quick post to tell you that our forum chat is now online! You should all be able to see a new tab on the forum that will take you to a kiwi IRC login page. All you need to do is set a username and click connect! It will then take you to W3D Hub's IRC channel (as well as Rencorner's!). We already make use of IRC a lot of monitor our game servers via bots, but now it also provides us with an awesome place to hang out! So feel free to join in and hang out!
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  2. I'm an Australian living in America, but I'm not a citizen of this country so I can not vote. I won't say that President Trump is the best man for the job, but I absolutely prefer him over Mrs Clinton. I want America to work with Russia, not against her and clearly this would never have happened under a Mrs Clinton administration. If I remember correctly, she was in favour of establishing a No Fly Zone over Syria, which would've resulted in the American military attempting to shoot down Russian aircraft, because I doubt Russia would abide by their No Fly Zone, they were invited into Syria by the legitimate government after all. In the beginning I was behind Mr Sanders but I kept thinking to myself that he would always face opposition from the Republicans and most likely some Democrats due to his socialist views. I agree with Jeod when he said that Mr Sanders would be a 'lame duck'. And then there's this: Lol.
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  3. Sooo, only 4-5 peps mentioned they would play APB Mafia again, which is not worth starting on forums (maybe a quick chatgame instead). I guess it's better to run this with 8 players then. I've thought I'll remove two main characters and make them appear only by flavor as game mechanics and the other two will probably be killed when the game starts to push the story and investigations. Also finding Kira could become harder by introducing some extra twists. Everyone agrees with this?
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