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Showing most liked content on 03/28/2017 in all areas

  1. I can't believe it, but I actually managed to compile enough footage for a proper sequel.
  2. 0:36 Woo the sandstorm did something! 0:55 That still of @Silverlight running away from a missile needs to be his new avatar or something. 1:05 / 1:10 Those quotes suit Atari perfectly! 1:07 Is that an arty shell incoming or did you add that sound in for him falling? Cause if it's the former that's a pretty great coincidence. 1:32 I really need to make the blood effects for directly hitting someone with a shell/rocket a bit more noticeable. It's basically impossible to see them right now and it's not very satisfying
  3. [blurb]Join us for an extra special April Fools game night! Rangers will roll and Submarines will fly![/blurb] [thumb]thumb_apb.c.png[/thumb]I would like to first thank you all who attended the previous game night. As was mentioned in the announcement for that one, there is another coming right up this Saturday! I can promise you, this is one not to miss! April 1st, Saturday April Fools' Day Special! 7:00 PM GMT (EU) & 9:00 PM CST (US) Official APB Server
  4. Glad to see that this Mod is still alive and kicking! Super stoked to play with you all!
  5. It's been a while, here's what I've done in the interim: I returned to Rapture again, this time I did a piece from inside a crumbling tunnel. I spent a lot of time on the background details on this one, and then ended up covering it all up in glass and so on... I haven't stopped experimenting with isometric formats either. Here's a tired coal miner. I want to do more portraits but I always have trouble thinking of ideas for interesting people to draw. And this one's a small farm. Again isometric, and this time working on using a simple, bright pallet to try a cleaner style.
  6. I completely agree.
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  7. If you want to throw down sometime in Chivalry Medieval Warfare I'm so in.
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  8. While I admittedly haven't played in a while (but was considering making a return :P), Golden Wrench was always a way to minimize the necessary manpower on the (frankly boring) MCT repair job so that your teammates can fend off the attackers. You should also keep in mind that arty and V2 unlike Reborn counterparts can and will wreck the personnel inside the structure which made repairing with tool alone pretty unfeasable (exceptioins are RD and CY) if you are dealing with more than 1 of them at the time. So now you'd have to also nerf artillery units in some way, and last time I checked they weren't exactly OP. Another thing is general "game philosophy" if you wish. APB is for the matter of fact more of "high risk - high reward" game. You want to kill the building but there's somebody inside? Well, go in and kill that person/people, and structure will fall in a matter of seconds. You don't want/can't? Well, hope that either someone else will or that your enemy's economy is broken enough they won't be able to afford an engie. Attack doesn't "deserve" to succeed just because there're more of the attackers than the defenders in base at the time, and Wrench helps exactly that case.
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