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  1. Looking at the stats, the game night lasted nearly 8 hours and peaked 32 players. Much better than usual. What caused so many more people to stick around so much longer this one time do you think, if it's not the new stuff? Sheer coincidence and it would have somehow had an even higher attendance than this already well-above-normal one if there was nothing new for the nth time? Also, while you were sitting here being whatever the April Fool's Day equivalent of Scrooge is, we just more than doubled your "lucky day" estimate and got another session to peak at 22 players without even scheduling it. Clearly that game night's sparked some interest, something previous ones don't seem to have done for some reason. Also, you have some funny memory, as I never switched to the racing map at 30 players, as I know it doesn't even support that many players (the starting lane only had room for 24 rangers), and every runthrough on the gamenight lasted only 6 minutes except for one that was 10 due to an extra lap in reverse. The only "25" minute run was in the inaugural test run 5 hours before the game night. Heck you even left the game when I decided there were too many players for Ridge Racer (as the player count ballooned from 24 to 30 between setting Racer and the end of CI) and decided to not play it. I'm getting mixed signals here. Could be hard to pull off. Can't adjust vehicle physics/speed on the fly short of changing the model (which is going to be hell if I ever get around to adding more liveries than just the vanilla Allied/Soviet ranger livery). Only powerups I can really think of that would be plausible that aren't straight up "kill another player and force them to respawn at the very start" (not very fun) would be maybe dropping a hedgehog or some other kind of blocker that gains collision after 0.25 of a second and sticks around for maybe 3-5 seconds so it doesn't perma-screw people if the collision manages to turn on while they're driving through it. Or dropping a "fake crate" that takes 5 seconds off the collector's health timer (which really only screws them if they get multiple or are already falling behind). However, the lag at least serves as sort of a great equaliser that makes it hard to ensure that a lead is permanent, which mixes things up in a similar way to powerups; in the one race I participated in instead of spectating, I got rammed into nearly last at the starting stretch pretty quick, but my course knowledge from being the one to test it (again, this is why I normally just spectate) combined with so many players drifting into walls and flipping let me crawl back to second anyway And naturally as it gets played more knowledge will be more of a factor for people besides me, but lag will always be there to mix things up.
  2. [blurb]From the desolate world of Arrakis comes this update on the Guild and Tleilaxu's operation in the War of Assassins. Be wary of the horrors inside![/blurb] [thumb]thumb_woa.0.png[/thumb]Hello and welcome to this April Battle for Dune: War of Assassins update! We have a terrible habit of being silent, but that doesn't mean that we haven't been working!! The Guild and the Tleilaxu The current state of Arrakis: The 3 last Great House of the Landsraad have been fighting for control over Arrakis for what feels like an age, with each side looking to be on the brink of victory! As the fierce fighting in the sands rages on, two great Schools of the Imperium are content with the progress of their current plan and see an opportunity to carry it to the next phase. The Spacing Guild and the Bene Tleilax start being more aggressive with their top secret project of monstrous proportions, their first step is to take care of the current ground forces that could pose a threat to them and their operations. With ultimate control over all trade to and from the Desert Planet, they poison all food and water supplies with a mutagen. Troops from each House start feeling strange at first, then sick and after at the point of death. Slowly but then much faster the Garrisons of Atreides, Harkonnen and Ordos turn into Contaminators. Before anyone can react, all major ground forces are now mindless drones, looking to spread their virus and turn more into their ranks, all under the control of the Tleilaxu. A fairly young Bator (Commander) returning from Giedi Prime after a much deserved break from the fighting. Upon arriving to an Harkonnen controlled air zone near Carthag, Bator Adrian is bombarded by reports of what has unfolded on the surface in the absence of his Baron and is greatly disturbed. Touching down with a small escort force at their base in a region known as Spice, he and his troops detect readings of activity in an old ruined village, just off from an abandoned Atriedes base and go to recon the area... Horde Mode Welcome to our latest game mode, Horde (WIP name). In this game type you and your team (or alone if you are feeling up to it) are pitted in a small area against wave after wave of your past enemies and comrades, now in the form of vile Contaminators! The objective is to survive. You have 10 minutes to hold out and a shared pool of 25 deaths before it's game over. Throughout the course of the onslaught you are gifted additional weapons to aid you in their desperate fight with the unwavering drones that never stop hunting for you! Will you hold out until a Frigate comes to save you and your men, or will you join the ranks of the unrelenting Horde! A Knife in the back could come from any hand... I hope you enjoyed this April update, we promise to start rolling out more content in the very near future! As always you can keep following us here, on Facebook, Twitter and IndieDB!
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  3. [blurb]Oh deer. It looks like Romanov has been talking to Jerad2142 a bit too much lately. We have venison galore in this meaty update![/blurb] So, it's finally 2017 and it's time for our first blog this year! GI Update The Allied attack deer is a very versatile unit. It’s ability to sustain itself for long periods of time by eating grass from the environment makes it exceedingly useful for extended deployments. "Oh deer..." Allied Sniper The allied sniper is a great threat to any soviet infantry. Equipped with his trustworthy AWP, he is capable of decimating the enemy with his quickscoping and 1080noscope tactics, pwning every n00b that crosses his way. "Noot Noot" Soviet Doge The soviet doge is well suited for extended cold missions; in addition, by being a doge it is able to trick families into thinking it’s just a loving pet, when really it’s a super secret spy. "Many bites. Such hat. Very deadly. Wow!" Recruitment We are always hiring new team members to speed up AR's release! If you believe that you can help us out, you are more than welcome to help! The following positions are open: 2 Artists for modeling and texturing civilian buildings and props. 1 Artist for making nature assets (trees, bushes, etc.) 1 Character Artist 1 Texture Artist/Photoshop User (optionally Unwrapper) to help in texturing building interior objects If you wish to contribute to this project and believe you have the skills, give us a shout! If you would like to contribute to the game and believe you have the skills, don't hesitate to apply! If you don't know if you have the skills, send us a forum PM and we can chat. If you would like to help in areas not listed here, that is also more than welcome. To apply, just send @moonsense715 or @One Winged Angel a PM (Private Message) via the forums and let us know which position you wish to apply for. End Feel free to contact the team regarding testing applications for Apocalypse Rising and our other W3D projects and become an official W3D Hub Tester today!
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