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Showing most liked content on 06/04/2017 in all areas

  1. [blurb]Version 0.7.3 of the W3D launcher is now live. [/blurb]Version 0.7.3 of the W3D launcher is now live. This version fixes some issues with the server list when logging in and out multiple times and includes additional diagnostics for cases where non-english versions of Windows are having problems downloading packages. If you are running a non-english version of Windows, please report the errors.log contents if you have an installation failure with this version - it will include additional information about exactly which package name it's having problems with.
  2. I don't see how that helps it in vehicle maps. In fact it would make multi-medic groups even more ridiculous in inf mapsas it'd mean that having multiple medics results in healing that stacks so they wouldn't even need to contribute to combat themselves anymore, plus it'd be a big nerf to flamethrowers - who as we know find the most use in inf maps scenarios but also have some use in veh maps unlike the medic - as they wouldn't even be able to cancel the healing of a mechanic-esque medic kit. And they are kinda meant to be the primary counter to medic heals...
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  3. patch notes leaked: - Keep of the Grass central area is now a ship graveyard, where ships go to die.
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  4. Checks Facebook, sees someone has a birthday today! And wouldn't you know, it's our dear Einstein! @Einstein
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