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Showing most liked content on 06/13/2017 in all areas

  1. Imaginary Frontiers is my unofficial addition to Digital Frontiers, the musical solo album composed and released by Frank Klepacki in 2016, and also a little gift to him. Imaginary Frontiers has the best quality and grooves of my little studio, and it contains influence from Frank Klepacki's early works for Command & Conquer Red Alert up to his late solo works and game soundtracks. Inspired by Unreal Tournament and some chill-out and ambient songs as well. Imaginary Frontiers also partially includes original synthesis and instruments that Frank Klepacki used in his melodies. Suitable for mods and games of Command & Conquer series and not only for games, so you can use it in your projects if you want. Still making new tracks and adding them there, still exploring many ways to use Frank Klepacki's equipment and sounds. Donations are much appreciated. https://grayasdf.bandcamp.com/album/imaginary-frontiers Frank Klepacki: "I was able to hear everything. Nice. I appreciate the gesture, and I hope it continues to drive you to keep creating and improving. If you ever decide to take any music classes like theory and orchestration, a new world will open up to you."
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  2. Now, I usually follow this rather casually since the majority of it is AAA dredge, VR games, and console hardware that nobody cares about but there has been some rather interesting things that I've had sent my way so far. I need a better computer With me, Ace Combat is obligatory. Looks solid. Also has one of the best CGI dogs I have ever seen. And on an unrelated to the Cringe Expo note, Cold Waters was something unbeknownst to me and it actually looks right up my alley in a world dominated by grind fest multiplayer military games. Then there is a new Mount and Blade coming out and this has me foaming at the mouth. That was a great game for what it was and although I only played a few hours of it I plan on picking it up when its cheap and giving it a proper play. Not only that, there is a STALKER-esque Metro series game on the horizon and I for one loved the last two but am apprehensive at the idea that it may end up in the realm of AAA dredge. All I gotta say, Thank goodness I didn't have to listen to Todd Howard drone on and on about innovation this time around while showing bare bones build mechanics that I've seen in a Renegade mod server (lol ECW/RP2) 8 years ago (with no object limits) unlike Fallout 4s unwanted and piss poor building mechanics. Discuss anything you've seen, what rattles you, and what you like.
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  3. I have been looking for some new music and this was just perfect! I really did some C&C vibes from these tracks. Great job on these
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  4. I'm just happy to see an Ace Combat game that returns to the Osean battlefront. Hearing the Kestrel 2 (or Kestrel II, whatever) is pretty exciting. Knowing that it's going to be released on the PC? Even more exciting.
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  5. Ah uh, hmm, I ran out of A TIME MACHINE HAS BEEN ACTIVATED videos. Uh..hah... There, that should do. NIGHT 5 IS BEING EXTENDED DUE TO TIME MACHINE ACTIVATION
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  6. I can't say the 5x multiplier is best. We're turning back into arcade Renegade. 10 dmg pistol doing 4 shot 50dmg again. I can't say how much taking out the neck multiplier will help. The main issue is people wearing helmets are MORE vulnerable due to have a "bigger" head? Which completely denies logic, (Wearing a helmet would not make you more vulnerable to headshots). Although I don't know if much can be done about that in this engine.
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  7. So we were playing Soviet's and lost a game. Why? Because the Allies had an unfair advantage. They abused a known bug that makes a particular team OP and continuously abused it throughout the match. What was it? Teamwork. Teamwork. Teamwork!!!! The Allies constantly used teamwork, such as medics and tanyas, mixed unit tactics, diversions, etc... etc.. etc... I recommend a modest improvement to help combat this bug (Which @Pushwall has not chosen to fix for some reason) Simply, give the Soviet's a Chronosphere, they can then go back in time and add an additional 15 mins to the game timer for themselves. The Allies are kicked off at 00:00, the Soviet's at -15:00. A simple and easy fix. Everyone will be for this, unless you are part of the Bourgeois. Pic only added for likes.
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  8. Ugh, I'll have to go back to call of duty: infinitely frustrating warfare until this bug is patched!
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  9. Teamwork? In an online multiplayer game? Unbelievable!
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