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  1. So Tanya has the advantage here?
  2. Yep. But you can't even get Tanyas on the maps where Medics are a big issue. Besides, her lack of armour means that from the very moment she enters combat, she is taking far more damage from small arms than any armoured infantry are - sure, she has more health to compensate for that, but those small arms have an easier time of outdamaging the medic kit's healing on her right away. Plus the only benefit she gains from the medic's armour cache is uncrushable status - she doesn't become near-immune to splash damage like any armoured soldiers do, and she doesn't gain temporary armour like any armoured soldiers who've been stripped do. So that mitigates Medic+Tanya a slight bit, which you may think holds it back on the maps where it can be done, but if Tanyas could gain armour, that'd make them roughly twice as tough as they currently are against everything that isn't a PKM or direct hits of big projectiles, and survive headshots from sniper rifles, which might be just a little bit bullshit.
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  3. Fixed the thread title. Misplaced apostrophes trigger me.
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  4. [blurb]Another month another Apocalypse Rising update! This update brings a closer look at the Navy SEAL C4, Soviet architecture, and Allied base defenses.[/blurb] Another month another Apocalypse Rising update! This update brings a closer look at the Navy SEAL C4, Soviet architecture, and Allied base defenses. Navy SEAL C4 Special delivery! After mowing down enemy infantry and clearing a path, the US Navy SEALs effortlessly dismantle enemy bases with their signature C4. Soviet maintenance personnel should be diligent in disarming any and all C4 planted as a single brick is packed with enough explosives to destroy a building. It is rumoured that Special Agent Tanya carries her own unique model of C4, although battlefield reports have yet to confirm this. Texture by @Romanov Soviet Doors Continuing with the renovation of internal infrastructure, the Soviet Engineer Corps have had every detail in mind from the purchase terminals right down to the doors. While it may not appear to be much to the average Conscript, the Soviet engineers are nonetheless proud to now have doors that are truly representative of the working class! Concept By @Squid Empire, Model by @Romanov Patriot Missiles To keep the skies clear of Conscript paratroopers, Soviet Siege Choppers and Kirovs, the Allies turn to the Patriot Missile System. Serving the role as the primary anti-air base defense, the Patriot utilises advanced targeting systems and detection equipment that allows it to even down enemy MiGs called in by Boris. Unable to defend itself against ground threats, Allied forces must be vigilant in keeping the Patriot Missile structures operational lest they be overwhelmed by Soviet air power. Model by @Romanov and @moonsense715. Recruitment We are always hiring new team members to speed up AR's release! If you believe that you can help us out, you are more than welcome to help! The following positions are open: 2 Artists for modeling and texturing civilian buildings and props. 1 Artist for making nature assets (trees, bushes, etc.) 1 Character Artist 1 Texture Artist/Photoshop User (optionally Unwrapper) to help in texturing building interior objects If you wish to contribute to this project and believe you have the skills, give us a shout! If you would like to contribute to the game and believe you have the skills, don't hesitate to apply! If you don't know if you have the skills, send us a forum PM and we can chat. If you would like to help in areas not listed here, that is also more than welcome. To apply, just send @moonsense715 or @One Winged Angel a PM (Private Message) via the forums and let us know which position you wish to apply for. End Feel free to contact the team regarding testing applications for Apocalypse Rising and our other W3D projects and become an official W3D Hub Tester today!
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