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  1. Topic locked. Sammy, you have certainly proven yourself to many of us here that you are not a very good listener. Your ban will stay in place for a considerable amount of time.
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  2. Do you think we're stupid? You're on your final warning before a permanent ban and maybe not even that. This particular case is done and your ban will not be revoked until it has been fully served. As for when that is, I'll leave that up to the rest of the staff you've been dancing around this whole time.
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  3. can i just ask you what is unclear about the rules: No blocking of the Ore Trucks No abusive language of any sort. these to rules seem very clear to me. And looking at the logs you have broken these maybe you should check the rules when you play a game.
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  4. So you got warned and kicked for language multiple times over the past 6+ months, and it never occurred to you that you should check out the server rules? You don't get to claim ignorance here.
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  5. The fact that you're just now asking for a list of server rules after months of warnings and kicks is telling and troubling. You're not doing yourself any favors here. Besides, why do you need a list? You've broken most of the rules already, so you should know them.
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  6. look and thy shall find also most of your warnings are bad language here is the warning list [04:53:29] <Volkov> 14Host: disclaimitory5 has been warned by BR for 'using a disallowed word or phrase'. They now have 5 warnings. [04:13:36] <Volkov> 14Host: disclaimitory5 has been warned by NodGuy@IRC for 'Toxic attitude towards other players'. They now have 4 warnings. [05:18:53] <Volkov> 14Host: disclaimitory5 has been warned by BR for 'using a disallowed word or phrase'. They now have 3 warnings. [05:17:18] <Volkov> 14Host: disclaimitory5 has been warned by BR for 'using a disallowed word or phrase'. They now have 2 warnings. [20:54:18] <Volkov> 14Host: disclaimitory5 has been warned by Pyryle@IRC for 'refilling in combat'. They now have 1 warning. and while looking at the logs in it not like those warnings unfair in any way. so i'm sorry to tell unless you change your language and playstyle you the warnings won't stop increasing. and really avoiding mutes bans kicks or whatever doesn't really work in your favor NINJA EDIT forgot the link
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  7. You should really pay better attention.
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  8. I haven't done a Robocraft C&C build in a long time, but since Megabots are back in the game and with the new introduction of Mega Rail Gun, there was simply no bigger desire for me than to finally make my own version of Mammoth Mk. II, including all it's main and secondary weapons. It has fully operational (and very accurate to the source as well) Mega Rail guns, chin cannon and a pair of SAMs, all working nicely. If you like it, please rate it on RobocraftGarage too.
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