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Showing most liked content on 01/07/2018 in all areas

  1. If we find out where it is in the registry I can add a toggle in the launcher settings panel
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  2. I tried to pin it down but the registry on my laptop is a mess, I'll see if I can pin down what key it Is when I get home (sorry for taking so long to respond btw, I was sick all last week).
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  3. I think he's saying he turned it on and now can't turn it back off because he can't get into the in-game options where that setting lives because of the black screen issue
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  4. Hey guys! There is a little issue with the official launcher where currently it doesn't seem to want to change APB's resolution. But fear not citizens! I'm sure that someone much smarter than I am will have it fixed before too much longer. In the mean time, you can still get by with this little tool should you need to make a change. Self-explanatory, and hopefully crash-free [Link removed] If anyone has any problems using it, please let me know! Enjoy!
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  5. "A new and improved version" EDIT: Removed from downloads section. This is now obsolete as the official launcher should be fixed soon (if it is not already).
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