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Showing most liked content on 01/19/2018 in all areas

  1. Life signs, the best kind of signs. Preview of the revamped Hostile Waters, Soviet base. Key feedback was always that LST landing parties had too many easy angles of approach, so each of the two bases are gaining some significant terrain changes to make attack routes more defined. The Allied base uses more natural terrain for the same purpose, while the Soviet one uses more industrial themes, an approach I also used back on Siege. Note that I'm having a few strange issues that are roadblocking further development progress, so as of now the only thing I can work on is aesthetic changes and general terrain changes, such as this one. This means, no ETA for when I finally get to complete this APB level. Upon delivery, release is entirely the decision of Pushwall. Added note: Due to time restrictions and concerns regarding network based gameplay behavior, the rail cart system and related underground tunnels have unfortunately been cut from the reboot project, despite having been largely completed already. I figured I'd make this a post regardless of the lack of substantial 'meat', I might post future updates in this thread however.
  2. For this reason, we're trying to collect as much information in our tutorials section as we can find. If you have anything to contribute to it, it is most welcome!
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  3. I'll look into this for you @Raap, there might be something that we can do.
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  4. Could you post some screenshots of the rail cart and underground tunnels? Sounds like it could be an interesting concept to start off an infantry map.
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  5. It's a little box you can pop up where you can select a target for a something to occur and it then occurs where you select it. Like an overhead map of sorts.
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