Hi everyone, I have this Installation Failed problem whenever W3D Launcher has finished downloading the files and then installation always fails when installing "msvc-2013.zip".
It won't go anywhere beyond that point.
*Here's what I've tried to fix the problem but to no avail:
- I have cleared the APB cache, deleting everything in "C:\ProgramData\W3D Hub\Launcher\package-cache\games\apb"
- Re-downloading all Red Alert APB files through the launcher, no download problems.
- Download finished smoothly but installation fails every time when installing the "msvc-2013.zip"
- I've repeated the steps above for 4 (four) times and still stuck on failing to install the "msvc-2013.zip"
Hope anyone knows a workaround for this problem.
Kindly thank you for your time and attention lads, best regards