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Showing most liked content on 02/12/2018 in all areas

  1. Hey guys, Since I'm officially done with APB level contributions, I'm more or less free to pick up the occasional small tasks. The first thing I've worked on today was an updated Soviet Airfield, since I really did not like the existing low resolution single black asphalt texture that was on it. I've had to make sure not to modify the existing geometry much, else complications may have surfaced in various levels. The screenshots below are 100% material/texture work with no geometry changes outside of vertex coloring. The runway stripes glow, making them easy to spot in night time maps. The runway consists of 11 new textures and ~13 new 3-pass materials. Snow version: Grass version: I may do a desert version if @Pushwall requires it, but keep in mind none of the current buildings even have a desert version. If I end up doing any additional contributions, I'll post them here.
  2. Happy birthday @OWA ! @Romanov has baked you a nice yummy cake. Please share with us @TeamWolf was too curious and opened your present already, sorry D: P.S. Siege Chopper is there because you like that unit, and Battle Fortress because why not. (You've modelled/finished all the units on your cake )
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  3. Calm down...I don't mean to be or sound rude, or backseat mod if one could consider it that, but this kind of overbearing attitude tends to be what kills mods. Besides, everyone that's working on AR, testers included, is doing so of their own free time. We all have lives beyond games that come first.
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  4. I don't think diving into the castle courtyard will be as much of a concern as I previously thought. Ridge War with all its high plateaus though... And yeah, damage values are subject to change as Yak has never been tested against cannons/LBs before.
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