For past couple of days Atari becomes even more annoying than he usually is - however at this points its straight teamhamerping. Various examples (that can be confirmed by other players):
- Pushing other players vehicles (which sometimes makes mine laying a bit more problematic than it usually is)
- Straight up doing nothing or just casually jumping around, even when right in front of attackers assaulting the base
- (already known for everyone) Continious shittalk whenever he dies
- In big TL;DR acting like an asshole.
Yesterday the only thing he was doing for longer period of time was running after me and shooting me in the head, while i tried defending the base. I'd be fine with that, if he wasnt in my team. Sadly he was. Every time i died he teabagged my corpse. His presence usually ends up wasting a good player spot, because anyone else would be more useful than him - and that results in the games lost because of lack of playing players.