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Showing most liked content on 07/03/2018 in all areas

  1. https://www.w3dhub.com/ranks/apb/ Thanks to the hard work of moonsense715, rantanplan and the team , our APB Stats page has just been completely overhauled! Sporting a more modern and clean look, our stats page is a sight to see. The overhaul itself was primarily made to better support mobile devices. The menu, located to the left, offers easy and convenient access to the other pages of our statistics. Find your place on the Overall Ladder, check the Rankings to see what it takes to be promoted to Praporshchik, and read over the Achievements page and understand what you actually had done to earn them! On the front page, you can see what is currently happening in the game. The front page offers you detailed information from the current map, the number of players in the server, and which buildings remain operational and which are destroyed. With over a year in production, we expect everything to be in order. If you do find bugs or issues, please report them to our bug tracker and moonsense715 will be happy to look at it! Now take your time and look around on the Stats page. Revel in your K/D, see how you stack up against the others on the rankings, manage your clan, or just be in awe of how amazing it all looks! [thumb]thumb_apb.a.png [/thumb] [blurb]Thanks to the hard work of moonsense715, rantanplan and the team , our APB Stats page has just been completely overhauled! Sporting a more modern and clean look, our stats page is a sight to see. The overhaul itself was primarily made to better support mobile devices.[/blurb]
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