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Showing most liked content on 07/09/2018 in all areas

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  2. Unusual mix made by me and inspired by two soundtracks at the same time. I was experimenting with Dune universe, and I tried to put some Red Alert style inside. Suggested as a music for "Expanse RTS" videogame. VSTi "Synapse Audio Software DUNE I" is included, as well as classic Roland sounds. Frank Klepacki, however, is using SAS DUNE II. As he said, it is more comfortable to use, and it has more sounds. https://soundcloud.com/user-193337613/insidious-night http://download.ccassault.com/museum/music/dune_st/Dune_-_Insidious_Night.mp3
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  3. yeah its okay but why the fuck does garry oak do this its fucked up shit it doesn't feel right he has almost never done this to me its only been alstar that did this back in the day when apb was on bhp and also when delta came out we fought but it stoped ,now garry oak wants to fuck me up for no reason Alstar had his reasons but why ,Garry oak did not and if your reading this Alstar im not offending you nor am I trying to. anyway its fucked up and is garry high or drunk idk and he called my a phenomenon like im from another damn fucking universe maybe that's what he was going for but hes a piece of dog ass shit excuse my language
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  4. Also lol @TYTY, I remember XD
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  5. I appear to have a faulty definition of "short term". Anyhow, development of making this into an APB map hit a bit of a, how to put it, creative roadblock? Not for a shortage of ideas (I'm never out of ideas), but rather which format to settle on and which would be most enjoyable. It's probably going to have to become an iterative process, a testbed of sorts. So when I finally present this side project to Pushwall, I expect to be a little more hands-on afterwards rather than 'submit the level and run the hell away' as it were with Hostile Waters and Siege. So uhm, hooray for updates? Yeah. Side note, this map might wreck your computer if you use a potato, not sure, maybe, it depends on... things. Edit: Oh yeah, and the level is using Siege-style environment lighting now. I do not want to use it but until Vertex Solve is abandoned I just cannot deal with the blocky smudges that are supposed to be shadows. The reason you do not see these on Siege is because the weather is nasty and the sunlight intensity is low. I may experiment with some out-of-editor tweaking to get a decent desert-y look but it will be a challenge. As always, no ETA, this isn't the only thing I got to work on atm.
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