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Showing most liked content on 07/27/2018 in all areas

  1. So yeah I'm doing this Naval Repair Bay thing. Core model complete, missing some detail props such as barrels and lighting, a capture terminal (I'm hoping to re-use some assets for this), and in-game logic implementation. All in all it is not far from completion. I had to include two modified textures and two new ones as for example we had no fishing net textures. Edit: I had to raise the scale by aprox 20% (included in the above picture), now a Naval Transport can fit into the repair bay completely.
  2. The museum was nice and cool (on the hottest day in Dutch history, so that's nice! :v). Other than that, free entry and an almost free ride to and from the museum made my day even more. Best part about the museum, in my opinion, were the paintings from the 19th century. I like my good old victorian paintings about people and landscapes.
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  3. Looks very nice, Raap. Can't wait to see it in the game.
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  4. I actually did see this thread back when it started, it wasn't very interesting then. But then Kushan posts and all of a sudden I'm back in 2004! I avoided a lot of the drama, sometimes just because I wasn't around, or other times because the drama was contained to areas I didn't care about like TeamSpeak. But I suppose I mostly avoided the drama because I didn't hold an important position or really care too much about the "competition". About the worst I could do was slightly taunt Reborn by holding them to their declared release date. December 31st, 2004, I think it was? The scuffles I remember getting involved in directly tended to be disagreements in Server Moderation with the MP Gaming server or with Souljack's moderation guidelines in the late BHP era. I specifically remember hearing about the breakaway from BHP and immediately jumping in trying to keep people from getting too hostile while they aired out their grievances with each other. I was removed enough from the situation that I didn't have a clear picture of what was going on and I had to have it explained to me on the fly by people like ChopBam and co., but I hope my actions helped people keep their emotions in check. That break could have been a lot uglier than it was.
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  5. It's been over a year since I touched this thread last. Here's the latest stuff I've been up to. If you like surreal/scary electrical facilities, this one is for you. If you prefer a happier, less imposing version, I have that as well. Also, big news. I got picked up to work on the remastered System Shock with Nightdive Studios. You can see some of the work I've done on our live streams:
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  6. TBH because of my absence it took me until like last week to realize the splash was gone I miss it, but if it's a ploy to get the flamethrower used more, I guess I'll reluctantly agree that the current way is fine.
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  7. We're talking about Gary motherfucking Oak. You two got a problem with each other, y'all had better settle that shit in a Pokémon battle.
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