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Showing most liked content on 12/04/2018 in all areas

  1. Hello folks! A few weeks ago, EA has announced that they are working together with Petroglyph to create Remastered editions of C&C and Red Alert 1. To celebrate this (as well as the recent start of the 2018 IotY awards), we are going run a competition! A competition that all of you can win by playing our games. Competition Time!To win the competition, over the course of the next 3 weeks, you can submit screenshots from the following games: Interim Apex Red Alert: A Path Beyond Expansive Civilian Warfare Screenshots must be taken in the currently released version of each game (so no old Delta, 9935, Beta or Gamma screenshots please!) If a new version of any of the games is released during the event, screenshots from the previous version will still count. To take a screenshot, just head in-game and press the Print Screen button on your keyboard. Your pictures will end up in your Documents/W3D Hub folder. Then, upload your screenshots into this thread. You may only submit up to 5 screenshots per day! Bonus points will be awarded for screenshots taken without the HUD on (press F8, enter 'HUD 0'. (without quotes) then Enter). From all of the screenshots posted, we will collectively decide the winners. The competition will close on Sunday the 23rd of December at 00:00 GMT. Prizes!The top 3 players (with the best screenshot submissions) will receive a poster of their choice (first come first served) and a key to the C&C Ultimate Collection on Origin! Here are the poster choices. These have been put together by Chronoshift's very own @CCHyper! Game Nights! To help you guys take screenshots of awesome battles and funny situations, we are organising not 1, not 2, but 3 GAME NIGHTS the next weekend! So make sure to mark them in your calendar, jump on in and win the prizes! Friday: Interim Apex NightInterim Apex has seen a big blast of activity in the past months and continues to be fully packed with action. If you haven't played this game yet, now you have a good reason to try it out! Join the battle on 7th December at 8PM GMT and prepare your cameras for screenshotting! Saturday: APB NightIt's been a while since we ran an APB related special event (there have been lots of content-full patches recently instead ), so now it is time. Remember, events have a separate ranking ladder, so hop on to make yourself appear in the hall of fame! Extra awards might be handed to the top players Event rank recordings begin on 8th December around 7PM GMT, don't miss out! Sunday: ECW Night @Jerad2142 will enable some special changes on the ECW server for this event! Payouts will be doubled, meteorites will strike player-killers (), and after an hour worth of play the perk "Come in Kicking" will be unlocked. Get the perk, all the money and enjoy the fun starting on 9th December, 7PM GMT [thumb]thumb_w3d.0.png[/thumb][blurb]We're running some celebratory events for the recent Command and Conquer Remastered announcements! Come and join us this weekend for three events across three games with the chance to win some killer Command and Conquer prizes![/blurb] See you on the battlefield!
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  2. I understand that it has been said there is a major update on the way. However I was wondering is there a release date for said update? The reason for this post is the Orca Fighter ($2500 one) is retarded Overpowered and this update has been said to address it. Thank you.
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  3. I love Hostile Waters and Siege, especially now. Hostile Waters is a showcase map for Navy and Air, and it's awesome. I recommend Chinooks be added (to both teams) if they aren't already. Allies have the cruiser, the mammoth tank of the sea. Allies get in formation with a massive fleet to curbstomp the Soviets who are busy practicing flying MiGs, lol. Soviets need to use more attack/missile submarines to keep the superior allied navy fleet at bay, while chipping away at the Allied base's AA guns, so they can send in MiG strikes/Chinook raids. Siege is epic with 20+ players, Chrono Tanks teleporting around flanking soviet armor, rocket infantry occupying the castle walls forcing rifle soldiers to get in the castle and kill them, spies stealing people's airplanes, lol, WE NEED A GUARD DOG OR TWO TO PATROL THE AIRFIELD AND WAR FACTORY! My only gripe is the castle wall cannon's destruction animation is silly, lol, with the cannon flying straight up in the air like that. Raap, I like your maps, they seem to play very nicely now, Siege being the perfect Big Team Battle map, Hostile Waters being the perfect Big Team Battle Navy/Air map.
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  4. I suggest starting another thread and calling this one done. Going a bit off topic, and it would be better to voice your suggestions / issues with the gameplay in another thread. Threve - see you in game Turd Furgeson chaha
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  5. I made a joke that re-creating Rivals gameplay on W3D would take a few minutes. Maybe I should...
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