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Showing most liked content on 01/15/2019 in all areas

  1. While digging through some of Blazea58's old assets I stumbled across a 3D model for the San Casina Speedway, which I've decided to add! Additions: • Added the San Casina Speedway which has a racing system similar to the Race Track that already existed. • Added the Enhanced Pump Jack perk which doubles how long pump jacks operate before breaking down. Bug fixes/Improvements: • Pump jack payouts have been doubled and the Hard Worker Perk now applies to them. • Fixed the exploration system, you now get money for discovering Santa’s workshop as well as the San Casina Speedway • Made a performance improvement in how vehicle PTs work. Originally the PTs had kill zones that existed at all times on the map, now they only exist when a vehicle is purchased from the PT. This brings the script zone count for San Casina down from 1104 to 905, a performance improvement was noticed on my personal laptop and hopefully will carry over equally well to the server! • The wander distance around Santa’s workshop has been increased. • Added new ambient sounds and placed them on the old Race Track as well as Hell Island. • Relocated some of the hidden PTs. [blurb]While digging through some of Blazea58's old assets Jerad2142 stumbled across a 3D model for the San Casina Speedway, which he's decided to add![/blurb]
  2. Privyet comrades! Starshina Hiramaky here, with an announcement calling to arms. I've recently intercepted communications from the Allied scum, and have deduced that there is a Games Night session on the 19th January. They're planning on beginning operations at 8:30PM GMT. We must interrupt their activities and send them crying back to their babushkas, for Stalin! But wait, that's not all. The Kremlin has contacted our Intelligence Department, and have given us permission to grant a 20 Credit Gift Card from the Steamworks Factory in Petrograd to the lucky tovarish who exemplifies himself as an outstanding soldier. While we understand that it may appear a little capitalistic, I have it on good authority that it is all in reward to the great Soviet cause, and thus thoroughly deserved. See you in the action! [blurb]APB Games Night on the 19th Saturday at 8:30PM GMT! Be there or be a four-sided object! Read inside for more details.[/blurb]
  3. Stalin doesn't approve.
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  4. I'll try and be there! Although as a Communist European, I must in advance opt-out of any winnings! Winning is, after all, a very capitalistic mentality.
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