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Showing most liked content on 02/02/2019 in all areas

  1. LEAD THE TRIBE Listen on Soundcloud Download from website This is something new to hear from me while I am working on Extreme Coop. Experimental track for sure. I think, I will upload this later to YouTube too.
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  2. Is this on? What? It is? Brilliant. So I just talk on this, or... oh, okay. Welcome to the APB Honourable Mentions thread! You have voted for the top three players who have participated in the Games Night. Without further ado, let's give a shout-out to: @Pushwall! Thanks to your team skills, piloting skills and ability to adapt to the situation, you collected 4 votes. Congratulations! @Dghelneshi! Your being a great teamplayer and consistent hard work has not only earned you a $5 Steam Card for a runner's up prize, but also an honourable mention at 4 votes. Reach round with your arm and pat yourself on the back! @Silverlight! Although people don't talk a lot about your game skillz, a lot of emphasis was placed on your tactics and planning helping to win the day multiple times, enough for you to sit with 3 votes. A job well done in my opinion! Though we may not have much to award you with, know that your efforts have not gone unnoticed. Great job to you three! With luck, I hope to implement this more often, so while you may not win any gifts you will get recognition for being fantastic players. I'd also like to thank everyone who participated in the Games Night; you are helping breathe life into this community!
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  3. Figured {AW} would get the spots The winners and Honourable Mentions have been awarded. Thanks for participating, comrades.
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  4. @jonwil: what are the plans upon the continous development of the W3D-engine? Which aspects do you think are worthy of improving [a rework of the network-code for example]? - do you have any C&C-related lego stuff you mind sharing? @danpaul88: Any plans for support of custom resolutions launcherwise? @ChopBam: Which projects over the past few years did you like the most in the sense of working upon it? If there were any, why? Anything in store that might be related to this? @Wallywood: Which aspects of TS:R are the ones you aren't satisfied with? How is life on your side? How did you get into W3D-modding and what led you to "make" Reborn? @OWA/@moonsense: Props to you (and the team) for the development of AR. As we are able to see continous progress in the artificial intelligence department, are there any plans to build upon this single-player-wise? And just for the joke, as some things in life shouldn't be taken as seriously @Silverlight: When do you think that we will expand over in TS:R and take control of every patch of tiberium? [Without you being in the role of Kane though. No reason for that.] Nodlied: As the whole testing team is already bleeding from your godly whips, are there any plans to change from a steel whip to a leather one? For Pyryle: As you are in charge of A E S T H E T I C S, are you planning to stop being so fabulous? - Any plans for future induldgement into the world of forum-mafia games and relations for advertisement? For Jerad2142: Any plans for a full-deer-mod with tanks and everything? - But to remain serious, you've added some racemechanics into ECW the last patches. Any plans to further build upon that or are you focusing upon new projects? 4 years were gone in a blink of an eye. Thanks everybody for your hard work. Cheers upon the next years. After all these years I am still enjoying every game and every match, so give yourself a clap upon the shoulder, as you still deserve it.
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