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Showing most liked content on 03/04/2019 in all areas

  1. <<<Incoming Transmission>>> Source: Viper's Nest Actual Priority: Monarch Scramble Index: Bravo-Tango-4 We have received new findings from our operatives in the field concerning the GDI Barracks. Aerial recon has noted changes to their exterior, and Agent Hasak has once again infiltrated a nearby GDI base to provide us information of the interior. Standby for visual feed.[blurb]We have received new findings from our operatives in the field concerning the GDI Barracks.[/blurb] <<Begin Visual Feed>> <<End Visual Feed>> Analysis indicates that the GDI Barracks' interior has been greatly expanded on in an effort to better accommodate their own rank-and-file troops. Nod strategists anticipate a boost in GDI infantry morale, although our warriors of Nod will always best them in combat. Attacking forces are advised to be wary of ambushes from behind the weapons lockers and beds. Agent Hasak has proved himself as invaluable as ever in providing us this intel. In the name of Kane! <<<Transmission Offline>>>
  2. [thumb]custom_thumb_ipb.png[/thumb][blurb]Monthly Avatar Theme is back! This month is a simple one. Anything green![/blurb]Alright, so bringing this back - the Monthly Avatar Theme! March's theme is easy. Green! and it can be anything you like, so use your imagination! Also anyone who doesn't have green on St. Patrick's Day, March 17th, will be banned. Okay bye!
  3. Also found one fit ... theeehee
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  4. Just wanted to let you know that you can still get a working Identification Code online through TurboSquid website here: https://www.turbosquid.com/RegisterGmax/Index.cfm Just create an account if you didn't have one already in the past. Then copy and paste your code.
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  5. Hi thanks, and yeah I spoke to Jonathan. I still have lots of catching up to do, but right now my main goal is to finish/fix that latest w3d tools script I never released. Over the time I kept adding more and more stuff to it, especially when I realized, after installing Battlefield for Middle Earth II, that it used the later w3d engine (sage) and that my importer worked well with those (after just commenting some line where it was checking the w3d model version and preventing it to import). Then, has it was getting pretty voluminous as I was implementing all the newer chunks for all the latest games using the w3d engine, I started to rewrite the whole thing in a much better C like fashion overwriting the only working script I had at this point (yeah that was pretty dumb). And then had my son, family life and work took away most of time I had for gaming/programming. Plus the wife hated everything that had a screen, just spending 5 minutes in front of my computer would start endless arguments that lasted for days every-time. So I ended up leaving the script in a real big mess. And as for what brought me back to this, well first of all, its winter and freezing cold here in Quebec. I am a concrete pump operator and construction is pretty quiet right now. My son is now 13, lives with his mother and I only have him on weekends, consequence, I have something I didn't had for a long time: spare time for myself. A few days ago after spending a few hours watching some videos on youtube , I see this video appears in the suggestions: Who killed Command and Conquer (Like if the answer to that was a total mystery for anyone...), and going through the comments I spot one from Jonwil! That triggered the whole thing , I decided to take a look at what happened to this community and if anything was still going on. I googled "C&C W3D" and first result got me here, downloaded the launcher browsed through the forum topics a bit, and I have to say, I am pretty amazed by all the great work that has been done over the years and by projects still being worked on. 2 years ago, around the same period of the year as right now, I received a request to release another importer for 3dsmaxI made for Omikron The Nomad Soul (Another absolute great classic game from 1999 staring David Bowie by Quantic Dream). I based that importer on my w3d-importer script and from what I learned back in the days after spending hours studying maxscript in Gmax and that one single w3d header file that Greg Heljstrom had shared to all of us with the Renegade modding tools. I knew nothing about 3d before Renegade came out, and now just opening any 3d file in an Hex-editor I can quickly spot the major components like what vertices, triangles chunks look like and etc... That is how I actually manage to reverse engineered the 3DO format (Omikron game) then I successfully decrypted the compression algorithm used in their textures file format (3DT). I just made all this stuff for my own usage just for fun, and it has now just become an habit to peek into 3d files just to see how they look like. And now over 15 years later after I wrote my first w3d importer, I am quite surprised to see that it is still one of, if not the only way to import w3d files today. Of course thanks to Jonwil who put a lot of efforts maintaining and fixing it, so it still can work. But that script I actually shared to Thomas Anderson before I left the Renegade modding community for good was just a basic version of the real big gun I had that I couldn't release back then because it was making some people very mad at me and would have got me real big sh**t.. Yeah you all know of which Egocentric Assholes I am talking about. Not mentioning all the hate I was getting from the growing w3d modellers community, some very talented creators, who were just pissed by the idea of having a tool out there that could be used by anyone to "steal" their work. I could fully understand their point even though I am more of a sharer than a keeper and would actually be flattered to know that others would use my creations to learn. Hence the many tutorials I wrote for a ton of stuff over the years. Like this one I found in here for example: So instead of creating any drama and risking weakening this evolving creator community I simply left and never looked back, till now... But all of this is far behind now. And it is now the time to finally get this thing out once and for all, so here I am, back at it. Abjab
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