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Showing most liked content on 03/14/2019 in all areas

  1. We decided to flee the trappings of civilisation and start our own team compromised of sapper forts and multi-modal vehicles. Havoc66 and I are going to spend our days on the sunny beaches of Postlight island. Free from Tiberium, nukes and dblaney. (Yap you're invited)
  2. Three second delay Pro: makes it harder for an opponent to jump out throw one jump in and drive off/fly off Con: makes it nearly impossible to attach one to a fast moving vehicle Con: attaching a dynamite to your tank’s husk to prevent capture before dying will be more difficult. Pro: base defenses won’t be demolished as easily Con: it is the only effective suicide tactic for killing base defenses (beside cloaked goliath). Pro: Helicopter + dynamite won’t kill your sams. Pro: Pioneer and Sapper turrets won’t have to be replaced as often (saw one dynamite remove 3 turrets and severely damage the last one) Con: lag negate/ mess up the throw Pro: the dynamite keeps it damage Con: Tank commander unit would lose popularity Edit: Con: Tank commander is the only swimming unit with dynamite
  3. Literally shilling for skillless gameplay. This guy is the number 1 offender for this bullshit rush tactic, opinion discarded.
  4. ideal gameplay spending the entire match fending on this rush. You just can't fathom how often they do it in a row until they are successful. Sorry but my ideal fun game isn't sitting at base waiting to repel this single rush.
  5. Just try harder goy, gotcha.
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  6. Mine buildings as if your playing Original Ren, without the added defenses. Then ignore the guy dynamiting your defenses. Defenses are expendable. I suggest to use your time killing buildings, while your enemy wastes time killing your defenses. If you manage to get the War Factory or Bar, you have made it impossible for him to contnue this tactic, and he still has to get past your mines to do any real damage. I do like the idea to create a delay while deploying. It would stop the hopping in and out at pillboxes, and make you bring some skill to plant without dying. ( The satchel delay would work for this in my opinion.) and it wouldn't bother me to see dynamite count reduced to 1 on most chars, but probably isnt necessary if the delayed plant is implemented.
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  7. The Sapper or Pioneer should be the only units carrying Dynamite period the really annoying thing to me is that nowadays anybody in a tank has a Tank Crew or Tank Commander , very very rarely do you see Combat Engineers or hotwire/techs in tanks this to me ruins a lot of gameplay in that when your tank was destroyed you hung around repairing freindly tanks now they just run at an enemy tank and try to throw dynamite on it the other negative factor about tank crews in Tanks is that when they kill an enemy tank crew by a base defence they've usually no repair gun to defuse any dynamite on defences I've personally spent full maps trying to counter Suicide rushes sometimes with success sometimes without and i can tell you it gets pretty damn boring
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  8. Found him! He was just hiding in a corner busy working on this!
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