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Showing most liked content on 03/28/2019 in all areas

  1. Good Evening all. I would like to make this known I am not posting this as a staff member but personally myself as Threve. As many of you know a couple days ago a gunman walked into a building and shot 50 people point blank while filming it using memes and a bunch of internet references while doing so. There are numerous and endless discussions on the politics of it none of which are what this topic is about. All to often it seems to people kill themselves or commit acts with no outlet to reach anyone or any help. It is easy to get down, it is easy to give up hope but difficult to ask for help. If you or anyone that you know is in the fray and need someone to talk to then please reach out. Talking to that one friend or asking for help can change the life and outcome of things or at the very least help. Some of the darkest days i've had have been helped by some good people here on these forums and I invite anyone that needs a helping hand or someone to talk to.. to message me if need be or talk to anyone. I talk alot of shit all the time in-game but i do genuinely mean it in good fun and not to be taken seriously. This goes not just for this website but anyone you know as well. Reach out to those friends you haven't talked to in a while and if someone joins and it seems their chat is more so about how much they are down then take a moment and talk to them about it. We are not just W3D Hub. We are the W3DHub community and having that title means looking out for each other so that we can keep kicking ass not only in-game but also in life. I am not naive and know that some will call this topic cuck or whatever (so is the internet) but it needs to be said and if it helps at least one person out from doing something irreversible then that is what matters. Suicide Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255 If you need someone to talk to then message your friends here on the forums or message me and I'll do my best to help. Again, don't let yourself be in this alone. Note: Respectfully, this is not the topic to post memes related to the shooting or discuss the politics of it. If you'd like to then make a new topic and go from there.
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  2. Very well said. I'll also offer up my ear to anyone who needs it. Especially on this subject. I've come frighteningly close to losing the battle myself, so I know what it's like.
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  3. That's a very vague request. What does equal footing mean to you? Like what do we have to do in order to achieve equal footing? Please be specific, at this stage I can only guess what you mean. Do you want Renegade and all of the servers on the launcher? If so, we are working on it. If not, please tell me in simple terms what you mean and what you would like us to do. Also the questions, for the third time, are: I would really appreciate it if you took the time to answer these, as it would save us all from a lot of trouble.
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  4. Understand that there is not "a mod team", W3DHub is a collection of W3D based projects (and quite possibly with more on the way), managed by their respective project leaders. For the creators, this is their hobby, they do this in their spare time for their own entertainment and at their own expenses (none of this is free). They are not here to work on projects they have no connection with, and forcing them to do so will get poor results, as there would be a lot less passion going into the work. We all would love to see projects like AR release sooner rather than later, but we're limited by what individual people can work on. Take me for example, I am currently trying to find time for an AR level and documenting the process, but I am still very much limited by factors such as time and motivation, and these have to align for a hobby project.
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