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  1. Save your apolgies, it’s too late for that. My bags are already packed, Mr. GM.
  2. Continue The T-35 is underpower in the current build yes however, it is undergoing changes internally to overhaul the suspension. https://www.rt.com/news/424635-soviet-t35-tank-replica/ Well based on one of the comment in RT what if I make a tank in T-35 in Renegade with modern guns, but is lock behind upgrade. Tank Crew, Tank Commander and Tank Ace price are at 100-500-1000. Now each tier up improve by 5 per 2.0 seconds -9 per 2.5 seconds -12 per 3.0 seconds Now the reason is because if you don’t have enough money but if you can get tank crew to enter a vehicle ( regen purpose ) is better than having none at all. As the price goes up doesn’t mean is better sure you have the best value but at a cost. This falls down to a scenario of having a cheap radio is 1000x better than having no radio at all. As the price goes up the value of radio improves but if you go highest end the price may cost ridiculously expensive than the radio. So if I were to break it down. MBT – Tier 1 (T-70), Tier 2 ( Bradley/T54 ), Tier 3 (T62/Tick tank ) , Tier 4 ( Tick Tank, BlackEagle ), Tier 5 AA – Tier 1 ( T-90 ), Tier 2 (Shilka/ZSU-57-2), Tier 3 (SA-8 Gecko), Tier 4 ( Tunguska ), Tier 5 ( N/A yet ) Tank Destroyer – Tier 1 ( ASU-57/85 upon upgrade ) Tier 2- SU-85/100, Tier 3 SU-100, Tier 4 ( Stridsvagn ) SPG/ Arty Tier 1 ( M110 ), Tier 2 – ( T-34/D-30 ), Tier 3 – ( G6 ), Tier 4 ( Koksan ), Tier 5 ( Yes is Pion your worst nightmare, China Nuke arty ) The Tier system does applies to vehicles heavily, now as for Infantry is another story for another day as in 2020 build I will only really dive into it and start working on it. I got heavily criticize when i touch the infantry stuff, so is best not to touch it. Now most units have a specific role to play and is rare because it depends on the map. I can list a few scenarios. Nod T-70 Rush GDI base in BattleforMidway result in GDI losing PP and harvester. Eventually GDI Lost, that was 1 scenario. Blazing Sands a T-70 is on the top village and there was 2 records of a T-70 kills Sydney and Ignatio with Mobius Suit. Mt.Bog StormTrooper use to flush out Sydney Mobius suit, only once tho so far. Varies different sniper rifles, for me Marksman, Designated Marksman is far by the best sniper I have, and I can tell you I use them more than other sniper classes in terms of sniper role. I can name a lot more, is best not to write too long.
  3. Ok before I go into depth about this is going to be very long. First of all thank you for your time for writing this very detail and explanation details. To begin the game breaks down in such a way of how I myself find Renegade is being played as Medium Tank, Artillery, MLRS and Stealth Tank rush ( sometimes a group of stealth tank with Flame tank rush which blow the idea ). Infantry in renegade are break down into Sakura, Havoc / Deadeye and Sniper. You may have argue my experience of Renegade maybe different from how you see but again this was my experience of Renegade ( I was also told that is the best Renegade can offer with minor tweaks to it. ) Just for your info the current build of IA is at 0.6 build where some maps are in E03 stage, is not yet build 1.0.. Just for your info. Now with that out of the way, let’s begin how IA was design from ground. I do agree that the game is not perfectly balance. Ranges, Shell projectile, Vehicle Class, Infantry Class, Aircrafts and Naval Classes. The classes based system are based off from Massive Online Battle Arena where we have “Tanker, Mages, Fighter, Support, and Carry.” Although IA does not specifically link to how a champion/character was being farm or level up, but it was inspired by it where each character/champions have a very specific role in playing it and there are hidden passive for each one of them that the players have to find it out. Vehicles there are Land Based, Aircraft and Naval. Land vehicles Car – APC – Light – Medium – Heavy – Super Heavy Aircraft Light ( Orca/Apache ) – Medium ( Hind/Chinook ) – Heavy ( Orca Bomber / Banshee ) Naval Boat (Torpedo Boats/Recon variant of boat ) - Submarine ( Pending on To-Do ) – Medium (Frigate, Destroyer, Cruisers ) – Heavy ( Battleship ) Now the armor in Renegade currently is heavily shared by using vanilla Renegade preset where such as armor.ini and warhead.ini. I was specifically told back about that if I were to create custom armor.ini or warhead.ini it will not work and that is why I was only compound to work with what I have. CNCVehicleHeavy are being used for Medium Tank, and Mammoth Tank. Now If I were to introduce a new tank I would have to work around with that. Either I have to adjust the value. For example the T-70 and T-90 are tier 1 vehicles for an early game, they are not useful in late game but I want to mitigate it as an Upgrade feature were in place for Firepower but were not being add in. If I were to remove them because nobody buy is a fair point, however they were rare useful and that rare scenario sometimes may make a good story to tell. I did draft out a plan that each vehicle when you buy is up to player to decide which upgrade they can do for each and individual vehicle only. But is still in a drafted stage. Remove WW2 vehicles? Umm I think RA2 vehicles were Rhino tank which are closely based on T-34, besides they are the most produce tank in the world and I can you they are still around today in some countries still using it. They were heavily modernize up. Now let’s take a look at the SU-85/100, SU-100/SU-152, SU-122-44 ( Are being overhaul firepower ) and the S-Tank they were based on RA2 cut content vehicle which I plan to fill it in. But if you pay close attention they are break down into tier 1, tier 2, tier 3 and tier 4 of the same vehicle. https://cnc.fandom.com/wiki/Soviet_tank_killer Yes I use a lot of reference from fandom/wikia and yes although is outdated but is a bit too late to know some are not correctly listed. So Renegade took place after Great World War 2, which is Red Alert 1 -> Tiberian Dawn -> Renegade - > Tiberian Sun. Interim Apex took place in late Renegade era and although these vehicles are not in official C&C units but again this is Renegade you are down to earth playing it and most of this vehicle exist around the world in the many thousands. Nod I am pretty sure secure a few of this arsenal to fight GDI even tho some are outdated. But if you take a look at the campaign of Tiberian Dawn you may see that they were taken place in South Europe and Balkans which I am pretty sure have Soviet Era technology vehicles. You may take a look around Vietnam, Egypt, Afghanistan and their neighbor have a T-34 in their army, let alone Africa and Cuba. T-35 Meme tank? Yes atm it was not as feared before. In addition the suspension require a rebone and rework. EDITED : Next Post
  4. Renegade is here!Our very own W3D Hub Launcher can now be used to play Command & Conquer Renegade in all of it's glory! From APC rushes to 500 sniper wars, there's been no better time to return to Renegade and re-live the old days! Here's how you can do that! How do I play?First you'll need to install Renegade! Where do you get Renegade from? You can buy Renegade physically from second-hand stores or online as a standalone or as part of the First Decade collection. W3D Hub recommends Amazon or Ebay! You can also buy it digitally as part of the Ultimate Collection on Origin. Anything else I need to install?Once you have Renegade installed, you need to install the latest scripts package from Tiberian Technologies. The Tiberian Technologies patch consists of an extremely extended version of the custom scripts.dll that has many bug fixes, compatibility with newer Windows versions and wide support for mods! Click here to download it. Once you have downloaded the installer, run it and install the files into your Renegade directory. This is very important if you have the Origin version of the game. So what about the launcher?To get Renegade into the W3D Hub launcher, you first need to install it. You can get it from here: Once the launcher is installed, start off by clicking The Renegade icon on the launcher: You might find that the launcher has already detected your installation of Renegade (using known registry keys) which means that you will be able to play Renegade from the launcher with no more steps! If the launcher doesn't find your install of Renegade, you will see a new button that reads "Import Game". Click it and you will be taken to this screen:  You will be prompted to browse for your Renegade executable from the installation directory. Browse for it, select Game.exe and then click "Import Application". If all goes well, you should be done! So how do I play?Once Renegade has been imported to the launcher, you will be able to join servers using the Server Browser tab! Just pick one and hit the join button! We recommend RenCorner if you want a more vanilla Renegade experience and MPF UltraAOW NewMaps if you prefer something a bit different! Come and join us!Come and join us on Discord, where we discuss all of the games on the launcher, including Renegade! Meet people who share a same passion for Renegade and it's mods as well as be in the know about game nights and events in advance! Join us by clicking connect below! Cheers for reading! [blurb]Our very own W3D Hub Launcher can now be used to play Command & Conquer Renegade in all of it's glory! From APC rushes to 500 sniper wars, there's been no better time to return to Renegade and re-live the old days![/blurb][thumb]custom_thumb_ren.png[/thumb]
  5. FRAYDO come back I’m sorry 😂
  6. Smh, I can't believe you guys can't see how scummy Jeod is being this game. Have none of you noticed that every post announcing someone died was made by Jeod?!
  7. It took me a while to work out what you guys were talking about. You Americans have some funny reboots. EDIT: something I found whilst searching up Avengers pictures, you might find it interesting. Dated 1877
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