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Showing most liked content on 07/26/2019 in all areas

  1. Hey gang, I could use your help. As we know of the Internet, things that get a lot of upvotes get more reach. I appreciate everyone that follows our activity on social media, and your likes and comments are even better. Thanks for that. Anyway, I had an idea to request your assistance in our publicity efforts, if you'll hear me out. This thread, the upvote thread, will be our repository of posts, updates, videos, etc., in which I hope to increase our overall likes and shares across the social channels. Basically, I ask that whatever is posted here gets a boost in likes and upvotes (not meaning the forum upvote). From my end, expect official W3D Hub Imgur posts, Reddit threads, ModDB articles, and all else in our efforts to gain more attention and exposure. In doing this, we can get ourselves featured on the frontpages for all to see! In the spirit of collaboration, I would like to state this is an open thread. Just as I am seeking more upvotes to expand our media's reach, you are absolutely more than welcome to post your own stuff. If you have videos, music, mods, etc. that you want to gain more exposure, I will be happy to give a like. Stuff related to W3D Hub such as recorded gameplay footage, livestreams, fanmade trailers, promo screenshots and art are likely to receive a share as well. Discuss the viability of this. Let's talk about how successful this can be, or not be. I'm open to feedback and thoughts. Stay tuned for more posts in the realm of public relations.
  2. Version 0.2.1


    A prototype replacement for RenegadeEx and XCC mixer built upon the W3DHub code libraries which intends to resolve the deficits of both those tools whilst also introducing brand new features. Currently it features a simple tabbed interface which allows you to view the list of files in any W3D MIX (or DAT) archive and extract one or more files from the archive onto your disk. It will also show a preview image for any TGA or DDS files when they are selected. Please report any issues and/or request features on the issue tracker: https://gitlab.com/w3dhub/w3dhub-w3dex-net/issues
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  3. 1 like
  4. A king is supposed to be a lion, not a sheep.
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