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  1. Mt.Pass actually doesn't have building restore powerups because it has a conyard. They don't spawn on maps with conyards since the conyard can buy buildings back. If you lose the conyard you are out of luck.
  2. This feature is a grey-area zone for me imo. Just my five pence
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  3. While I see the argument there as well, it can also be said that sometimes *cough* mt.pass.. there will be a ref rush in the first 5 minutes and a Restore is needed to bring it back quickly. Or a really good game that doesn’t have to come to a close because one building died. I do see how it can be a double edge sword sometimes. I think the balance comes from both teams can pick them up
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  4. Building restore annoys me because it means the enemy has a chance of a comeback, which means the fight will be going on longer. Which is good because it means I can spend more time making love in my Mammoth Tank 36 Inch.
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  5. AR is replacing Renegade's tutorial map with their own one, so it should be technically possible to edit the rest of the campaign too, it's just that... well... take a look at how many people were on the credits for Renegade and then look at our teams. A new full-blown singleplayer campaign (not just one map) is a lot more work than fixing up existing multiplayer, so it's definitely not something our small teams can do, especially with all our other commitments.
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  6. Idk how you as a moderator can subject an entire team to unpleasant and minotnis gameplay then turn around and say "If they hit the jackpot, I'm leaving this shit show!" You were running the shit show. The second you started losing (lost War Factory to a spy) you have the audacity to complain about it? Can you hear yourself right now>? Got news for your ROZ, we're not all here to give you a game of people to play with. This isn't about you or how much fun YOU can have dude...
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  7. There's a difference in making a balance issue thread out of frustration and making a balance issue thread with a cleared mind. Even in Westwood's C&C games if you punch your enemy until they don't have an MCV and then turtle/killwhore/whatever to rub in the wound, a crate could grant them a new MCV for free and suddenly there's a possibility for a comeback. You're receiving these "off-topic" replies because it was plain to see that this thread and prompt for change was created out of frustration not necessity. Threve led his post with "providing background", not to troll you but to show outside readers (like myself) the contextual motive behind the thread.
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  8. like the satchel charge i think everyone has to evaluate the following.. Why is "X" in the game to begin with?? Building restore is a powerup that's randomly spawned in various locations along with a list of other possibilities. We got LUCKY that the server RANDOMLY gave us a power up 3 times within 1 game. We could have just as easily got 3 turbo flamethrowers and no one would be here right now. This server gets fucked when people complain about nonissues that they personally dislike. In order to designate this as an issue it, has to be evaluated how much impact this ACTUALLY has on REGULAR gameplay. "This situation happens a few times a year." What? <<<< You are here "This situation happens once per month." Is it really an issue? "This situation happens once per day." Ok let's take a look at it, good find. "This situation happens every 5 maps on average." Oh shit, ok hotfix the drop table and let's reevaluate the whole thing. "This situation happens every map." Get rid of it We don't need more change, we need less.
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  9. Like a lot of things within IA administration, this is also a minimal "issue" (if you could even call it that) completely exaggerated to fit a particular agenda by a specific moderator. Pretty much everything Threve says is accurate, which is why I like to use him as a reference due to his sheer honesty. To add to his post and give everyone else here the proper context about THAT SPECIFIC game. Here's the chat log of a PM I sent this mod immediately after he lost 1 building and left out of frustration. It really doesn't become more apparent than this response and his chat logs. Prove how what I and Threve said was wrong now, good luck. >I killed almost your entire base >I fucked around with a zippo for over 45 minutes AFTER THAT instead of finishing you off >This arrogance literally cost me the game when Nod made a miraculous come back Seriously ROZ, do NOT make me show everyone here how you killed those buildings. If you want to talk about "bullshit in this game that's exploiting mechanics for a cheap win", I have ALL DAY to call out your particular brand of bullshit. I'm really liking this tho It looks really great when compared to this attached image. And for reference everyone else, yes posting 5 times really fast with crackers in your mouth is considered spamming and will get you muted and banned from the channel. Ask me how I know, or how I knew about the consistent internal bias within IA that this thread is a great testament to. Funny huh?
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