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Showing most liked content on 09/12/2019 in all areas

  1. The reason why in IA the turret isn't super low is because then it would end up aiming into the ground far too often. There are maps in IA where the camo pillboxes are super hard to spot. Blazing sands in particular sticks out. The camo pillbox also has tons of health (although IA doesn't have a normal pillbox)
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  2. "Your waifu is shit"
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  3. I thought that MP5 looked familiar! Love the texture on it, that wasn't an easy one to do. Hope all is well with the old team.
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  4. Verti saw his shadow, 6 more months of winter.
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  5. In all honesty, I think we may be overthinking the camo pillbox a bit. We're all thinking of it as only being useful if it was 100% unpredictable 100% of the time. Personally, I don't think we need to go that far. It's not like it's instantly useless the second that it's spotted. I honestly think we could get away with giving it a terrain-matching texture, some minor cover, and place it in ambush locations. Sure, people would learn where it is, but they'd still have to hunt down and destroy it. Simple texture change, armor buff, and clever placement would be enough to make it fun to find and fight, without being too powerful. Stuff like randomized locations would probably be a bit too much in practice.
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  6. That sounds like a heck of a thing to balance all those spawn locations.
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