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  1. Actually, that happens a lot in Rencorner, too. P.S. The end goal is drama.
  2. Well, at least that you bought it legally, so it is a reason to help. I've sent you an original copy of the game from 2002. Use it. Do not forget to download and install Tiberian Technologies update after installation of the game, TT-files are needed to play online. Also, download Ren List client program from Threve's post, or W3D Hub Launcher, or Master List from MultiPlayer Forums (it is a bit faster than Ren List and W3D Hub Launcher, but it hasn't WOL/XWIS option), and go to options and specify a directory of your game where was it installed and where "game.exe" is.
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  3. The issue with such a weapon is that it will likely overshadow both the Titan and the Wolverine due to its mobility. I'd argue that speed is the most important stat of the three classics (firepower, armour, mobility) and as such, giving it a general purpose gun might throw the balance completely off the rails. We've already had issues with balancing the Attack Cycle and the Hover MLRS. Both units need their mobility to function as intended, but a speed+firepower stat too high, and they become overpowered. A stat too low and they become almost useless. That's the issue with units that rely on their high-mobility for balance. (Both as an actual speed stat, and a general mobility stat, such the ability to move in 3 dimensions.) Similarly, the AAPC needs its mobility to deliver its cargo. Its purpose is to transport infantry from point A to point B as fast and safely as possible. It is a job that it currently does very well, if not a bit too well. If it really needs to fight something, its cargo can unload and do the shooting for it. It doesn't need a pop-gun for that. It already has: cargo space, speed, protection, and the ability to go where Nod can't; water. Nerf its speed and it becomes bad at its role. Give it a gun and it'll likely turn into a light mbt, which isn't its role. The Nod SAPC's ability to dig is indeed a balance issue at this moment in time, in fact, it needs a counter to function in a balanced manner. That said, it is a gimmick. A gimmick that tends to get old really fast. In fact, if we look at the test server statistics and results, the AAPC is miles ahead in terms of usage over the SAPC, let alone the poor sod that is the Orca Transport. If anything, those are the units that are ''not fun'' and the units that need the attention. The AAPC isn't for everyone in its current form, that much is likely true. However, we need to understand that not all units will be fun for everyone. Will we give the Harvesters and MSAs guns as well to let the drivers have something to do? Not everyone will enjoy the same units equally but reaching out for this by giving the AAPC a gun won't really help it in its intended role: moving infantry from point A to B. Like mentioned before, people will likely buy it as a combat unit instead, which isn't the thing it is supposed to be. I've heard the argument that, for $800, why buy the AAPC if one can buy the Titan. The answer is because said person prefers the Titan over the AAPC due to its capabilities as a stand-alone unit which doesn't require teamwork. However, the intended role of the AAPC as a unit generally requires teamwork. If one puts emphasis on teamwork as a player, the AAPC can, in many cases, be more viable than the Titan. It depends on what a player prefers. If one prefers to go alone or have his own unit, the Titan, Disruptor or another unit will fit better up his/her alley. As for the Mobile EMP, that change was necessary based on a balancing principle, not a subjective reason one such as this one. To continue on from my wall 'o text above, the Mobile EMP needed a change because it couldn't be balanced in its RTS form: the near instant wave of EMP. We have balancing measures in terms of reload, gatling logic, mobility, armour, EMP duration and AOW, but we couldn't get it right. Changing this new unit, which had balance issues, to a new format thus made sense. The AAPC, which is a unit that has been in the game since the 2013 release and has done its job ever since, is instead being changed on a subjective reason. The argument to deviate from source material, I agree, isn't as important. Sure, we're limited to TS in terms of many things, but we have made changes for the better of the game. Handing the AAPC a gun, is, at least from my point of view, not one of those improvements. Instead, I consider it a detriment to an otherwise good unit that may very well affect the game balance negatively and/or make it more difficult to balance the game right.
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  4. This is going to be a nice short tutorial on how to add more bones onto an existing skeleton in a way that preserves the animation (useful if you want to add additional bones to the stock male or female human skeleton and don’t want to reexport all its corresponding animations). First things first, take the existing skeleton (either import it or open it from a save) and add your new bones). As you can see here, I’ve added 7 bones to the stock male skeleton (breast bone, c L UpperStab, c L ForeStab, c L Stab, c R UpperStab, c R ForeStab, and c R Stab. Next let’s export it to its new skeleton name, in this case I did s_3_human, select the skeleton option and hit okay. Now download chunky and use it to open your file, switch to the pivots tab and lets look what’s there. As you can see, c r UpperStab, c l stab, breastbone, etc. are mixed in with the rest of the bones, unfortunately, we want them at the end of the list. Notice the last bone in the list is “BONE FOR BAG” this one is the key to how we will fix this mess. So back to the editor. So, what we need to do now is export our skeleton again, this time I’m naming it “original.” Now that that’s done select breast bone, c l UpperStab, c r UpperStab (the base of each of our new bone hierarchies). Now attach them to “BONE FOR BAG” Now once again let’s export this to our new skeleton (s_3_human) for me. Don’t save this, you might have to reopen the original depending on how complex the bones you're adding are. Now open both files, original and s_3_human in chunky (you’ll need to open two copies of chunky). As you can see now, our 7 bones are now at the end of the file, which means they won’t mess with our existing animations; however, now we need to fix their attachments because right now they're hooked to "Bone For Bag" instead of their proper pivots. This is easier to do than one might think, simply copy the BASE HIREACHY bones in original (not all of them just the bases) from original and paste them over the bones in s_3_human (in this case just beast bone, c l UpperStab, c r UpperStab). Now that that’s done, save it and let’s reimport it into our 3d editor and make sure the bones attached correctly. As you can see, something isn’t quite right, breast bone and the hierarchy for c l UpperStab are fine, but for some reason c r UpperStab’s hierarchy has ended up hooked to c r hand. My assumption is this is caused by the repositioning of so many pivots it wasn’t originally accounting for. Reopen you’re original file for the 3d model and lets play with what the bones are attached to, in this case we need to move the bone back 3 positions to get it attached to c r clavicle, this took me some guessing but in the end I figured out attaching it to c l UpperStab does the trick. Now export it over original and reopen it in chunky then copy C R UpperStab from original into your already modified s_3_human, save and reimport. And ta da, you’ve successfully merged new bones into an existing skeleton in a way that won’t affect the already existing animations!
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