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  1. 3 likes
  2. write about weak points in tanks and defences? sorry for my english lol
  3. I think updated version of imperialkaskin's info page (https://imperial.multiplayerforums.com/info.php) would be great. I believe limonado was suggesting something like this. An information box explaning pro's and con's of each tank and character would make it easier for us to understand how they work. I always keep buying the same tanks I know how to use and there are sea of tanks that I haven't explored yet, that I have no idea what they are good for. We would all be grateful if someone with the knowledge of tanks and characters can create an information guide similar to imperial's old one.
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  4. Happy Friday. I don't think it's much to ask for someone to at least review the points that I've made previously. I don't see how a dead horse is being beaten If I am still willing to clear things up, make my points and statements, and cooperate. I'd say it is more akin to refusing to acknowledge or listen to my points. If my points are being looked at, then it should be courteous if someone would at least acknowledge them. I was permanently banned with no prior warning based on suspicion of guilt. Guilt has not been established or proven with absolute certainty. That itself has been admitted. If that is the case, then there would be no need for the defendant to have to prove anything. It's not fair to ban someone simply on suspicion alone. No one had approached me previously with the information. I would have been perfectly open to discussing the matter as much as possible and clear up any misunderstandings. If there was concern, why wait until the 4th of November to ban me for an incident that occurred on the 30th? Regardless of this, I still provided reasons for the way I act in the video. My points have not been disproven, only dismissed or ignored. No reason has been given for my points' dismissals. Show me how I'm snapping to players, show me how there is guilt. Not just for my sake but for other players. I want this to be as thoroughly explained as possible so that people reading this may gain insight on both parties. An unhealthy precedent would be set if people are banned simply on suspicion alone, with no concrete evidence to back up that suspicion. I have addressed every single point that has been brought up and provided counterpoints, but my counterpoints have only been dismissed and not countered. Some are dismissed for disbelief only. Nothing other than disbelief is given. Why the disbelief? What makes any of this unbelievable? Just because there is disbelief in what I've said, doesn't prove that there is guilt. Disbelief in what I've said, doesn't disprove what I've said. If I have been so meticulous and thorough in addressing every point brought up, then the same courtesy should apply to my counterpoints. If my counterpoints aren't being looked over, how do I know if my video footage will even be looked over? I'm not trying to be difficult. I am trying to plead my case and be as honest as possible, not just for my sake but for others. Once again, I have a 10 minute video, using Shadowplay Instant Replay, of me playing on November the 2nd on Interim Apex. That is 2 days after the incident and 2 days before my ban. To be specific, it is on the map Vile_Facility. I'm willing to address any further points that are brought up.
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  5. Could you elaborate a bit on what you are asking please.
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