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Showing most liked content on 12/18/2019 in all areas

  1. You read that right, folks! We would like to present to you an early Christmas gift of APB Beta! This 21st of December, jump into our Beta server and relive the good ol' days with the lads. Einstein and co. will have the server and files ready for Saturday so you may download and play! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! [blurb]You read that right, folks! We would like to present to you an early Christmas gift of APB Beta! This 21st of December, jump into our Beta server and relive the good ol' days with the lads.[/blurb]
  2. I only looked at tweet and it instantly forced me to open this forum just to say. Fuck that map. Seriously. Fuck it. Cant wait to play it again.
  3. Wait, what? Another one? That's right, Commander! What did we fix now? Shout-out to @Ice, for helping me identify and correct the duplicated Nod Radar dish bug. This has been fixed for a while now in TSR 2.0, but fortunately we were able to apply the fix here as well! Another engine update! When he noticed that I was working on another patch, @jonwil informed me that I should update to the latest scripts version once again because there have been some pretty important fixes regarding some animation bugs, as well as some other fixes and enhancements. Optimizations for Field, Gallows Cove, and Storm: Culled all duplicate assets within the map.mix files (because they just take up unnecessary space). Converted most textures from TGA to DDS format (again, to save space). Moved all loose assets from the map.mix files into always.dat (where they should be). Fixed a broken texture on the upper walkway support beams on Gallows Cove. Sneak peek! - TSR 2.0 Intro Movies! Sneak peek! - TSR 2.0 Main Menu Music! (note: you will have to open the game in Single Player mode to see/hear these) Miscellaneous cleanup in the game and data folders. What once was cluttered is cluttered no more! This is another large patch, because it makes changes to the main game asset archive file (always.dat), but by doing all of this now, we can avoid touching this file for a long time for future updates, making them much smaller and faster to install! Thats it! Now just think! If this is what I'm doing that you can see, imagine the work that the real devs are doing for TSR 2.0! This patch is now live on the server! See you ingame Brothers! ~The Team
  4. Haha, yes the stock game does still work on some systems, but compatibility seems to be a bit random and many players have experienced the "black screen" bug, along with many others. The newer the system, the less likely it will work correctly, if at all. The updated one I've been working on though will use the latest 4.6 engine, so no worries about any weird stuff like that. It has also been modified accordingly, to compensate for any unintended changes that the engine upgrade may have had. There were several...
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