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Showing most liked content on 01/05/2020 in all areas

  1. Thats right I am still alive and kicking, I haven't been on the forums for years now so I thought I would update everyone on my status. What have I been up to? Not much really but I finally got my first ever gaming pc (well its more of a starter gaming laptop). I have an HP Gaming laptop with an AMD Ryzen 5 processor, a Nvidia Geforce GTX 1050 Video card, and at least 8GB of RAM, it was pretty cheap one too I got for only around ~$550. On my new laptop I have an have been playing games like ARMA 3, Ground Branch, Wargame Red dragon, and just recently got addicted to an Airsimulator called DCS World. Thats basically it really, im just happy to be back on forums again and you will expect to see me active more often. Thank you very much everyone. PS: I also heard APB has a throwback event tomorrow.
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  2. GDI spy seems to be more like super OP rusher. Just little wile and ion canon beacon/nuke beacon has been planted. Ind just imagine if he gets explosives from create, omg, it's just horrible. As for me, i think it need to be not nerfed, not even deleted from game, but reworked. Firstly, this class prohibiting to pickup ANY EXPLOSIVES and weapon with high damage to building/defence. Secondly, it need to be just like one random player from opposite team. Maybe there can be even device that will provide enemy nick to choose one. Thirdly, spy have only skin and fake weapon(deal 0 damage). As true weapon he should have BETTER KNIFE(Really, knifes need buff, most importantly for spy to use silent kills) and silent pistol(it's likely to deal increased one shot damage to head). As additional maybe it need some EMP C4 to power off buildings and tech for a little wile. It's just my opinion. What is yours about it?
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