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Showing most liked content on 03/16/2020 in all areas

  1. If you vape or smoke please quit as soon as possible. Your chances of a severe reaction are approximately 14 times higher if you have done either within the last 3-4 weeks. It has to do with the hairs in your throat becoming desensitized to needing to cough which increases your risk of pneumonia. The hairs do recover mostly within a few weeks. This is important for those young and old. We do not have enough hospital beds and respirators so the more people with severe reactions the more people will die if we run out of resources.
  2. I decided to bunker down for the next 12 months and just order things in while working from home. This modern-era plague is currently estimated to last a minimum of several months, but more likely at least a year. At the peak of it, 2/3rd of the population will have either had or have the virus. After this point, crowd immunity will take effect and the spread should hit a slow-down. Best advice right now is, keep a distance from elderly and vulnerable people. And use your brain, apply common sense. Silver lining? I get more time to work on W3D. Hooray!?!
  3. Geez guys if I host something it's obviously going to be virus themed.
  4. [blurb]Sabertruck, new Deathmatch Map, and more![/blurb]In this release I’ve added an electric car and a new Death Match Map. New Stuff: • The Sabertruck has drove into San Casina, a fully electric all wheel drive car with very fast acceleration; however, it tops out at about 155-160 MPH. • The Mysterious Forest death match map has made it into San Casina, this terrain was originally made for my Slenderkane map, but I figured it would make a good addition for ECW. Worry not, this terrain DOES NOT make it to San Casina and there TOTALLY ISN’T a secret object on it with unlockable perks. • A new house has been added somewhere in ECW, it features 3 weapons cupboards, a fridge, and an item safe. However, it has no garage or security system. • Added 8 more high scores to the game (yay for more chance to gain inventory!). • Added another disaster event to San Casina! Thank the APB Team for the asset needed for this! Fixes/Improvements: • Updated the config file to version 20 this adds several config parameters that were only on the server until recently. Make sure to make a copy of your config file if you’ve made a lot of changes to it as it’ll be overridden! • Repositioned Santa’s Workshop to fix graphical issues. • Fixed several missing names from the credits as well as added some new ones. • Refactored a chunk of the code for my own sanity. • Also fixed several chunks of code that could potentially cause a crash (although I doubt any of them where the reason the server crashes during crime… never know though). • Fixed an exploit with the tutorial that would allow players to play as the invincible tutorial character outside the tutorial. • Made some code handle character swaps or script removes that could have caused code not to be cleaning up properly. • Added an error message to the code just so I’d know if an error happened (kind of hoping it was causing a crash but I doubt it at this point). • Fixed a possible crash caused by the random number generator trying to be called for ranges that matched (IE: 0-0 or 43-43). If this crash was an issue it was caused by dynamic numbers and not hard coded. • Fixed the missing synchronization of weapons cupboards/fridges/safes. • Fixed the formatting of 7 high scores.
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  5. Postponing the start for now until I'm ready to finish the actions, hopefully situation will get a bit better here again.
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  6. Just to play devil's advocate for a second, @Kickmofo would you be at least open to locking your vehicle in future situations like this? It would prevent misunderstandings in the future.
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