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Showing most liked content on 03/17/2020 in all areas

  1. I, for one, welcome the chance to just fucking die. Thank you, based China. The store here were out of macaroni and meatballs, which is about as Swedish as it gets.
  2. ok I figured out thanks to this link and thanks to this guy dblaney1
  3. I work retail... yea these last two weeks were a mud walk. But these memes pulled me through. It’s been a pain and a big pain to most of my team keeping the product flowing. It’s like trying to fill a bottomless hole, and customers are upset it’s not full yet. Anyways stay safe out there the end of this virus is near Fun Fact: toilet paper is mostly comprised of water and a sawdust-like wood pulp (and bleached white).
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  4. Im waiting when they close my workplace to play Renegade all the time haha
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  5. If you vape or smoke please quit as soon as possible. Your chances of a severe reaction are approximately 14 times higher if you have done either within the last 3-4 weeks. It has to do with the hairs in your throat becoming desensitized to needing to cough which increases your risk of pneumonia. The hairs do recover mostly within a few weeks. This is important for those young and old. We do not have enough hospital beds and respirators so the more people with severe reactions the more people will die if we run out of resources.
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