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Showing most liked content on 04/27/2020 in all areas

  1. Hey guys! Stuck at home again tonight? Nothing to do? Going crazy? No problem! Lets all hop onto the APB Delta server around 8pm GMT to honor the memory of our guy Wyld1. Why not? He liked to play games, so lets go play games! Do we really need an excuse!? Go Go Go!
  2. This is a RA 2 styled Oil Derrick that I modelled and textured. Once it came time for the animations, I messed up (probably should have come here first), so the animation is off. At some future date I will redo the model rig, and have another try. There are some bland sections, but for an RTS, I feel it will do.
  3. Hello hello! Your resident deep lurker here, with another round of my sporadic modeling of Command and Conquer stuff in Roblox. Bunch of stuff I haven't shown off, some I have. About 50/50 Sun and Dawn/Renegade, and some comparisons of old versus new. Hope you enjoy. First off, almost entirely brand spanking new Titan. Threw together a quick vignette based on the loading screen pose. I am INCREDIBLY happy with this thing. It's a mix of concept art, a few fan models, in-game renders and sprites, and Reborn's model(mostly for scale and angles). The guide rails for the access ladders are my own addition. So many lights on this thing! Good comparison shot of new versus old. The new is much taller, smoother, more details. The legs didn't change much, the basic design is still the same, just larger and with more details on the 2020 model. The old is from I believe 2015 or so, with the occasional small update over the years. Wolverines! The iconic(IMO) GDI power armor. Bit of fog and lighting to spruce it up. Very happy with this one too. Once again a mash up of different references. Comparison again. New is on the left, old is on the right. Slimmer, more details, just better in every way. Once again the new is from earlier this year, and the old is somewhere in 2015-2016, with updates here and there. Time for the classics. X-66 Mammoth tank. This one is largely based on the Renegade X version, with a bit of my own flare. Also one of the smoothest models I've ever built, I actually have trouble sometimes seeing it as a Roblox model, rather than something whipped up in a modelling program. No comparison on this, cuz I think the previous version got saved over at some point. Throw in a Renegade vignette for good measure. I've shown this off before, but I've done some updates, figured I'd put it in anyway. TW1-era Orca VTOL. Built off of a bunch of different references, more than any of the others. I used concept art, fan creations, in-game models and sprites, and added a bunch of my own touches to it. Updates are largely to the belly-mounted cannon, and the landing gear. Turbofans got a facelift as well, with some new meshes. Better look at the new landing gear, and cannon/mount. I used a model of a Russian MI-28 heli for inspiration on the gear. The cannon is basically an M134 minigun, with a mount of my own design that I thought made sense. Hope you all like these. I don't have much else to do with this stuff aside from the occasional vignette, so I might as well show off a little.
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  4. Unless a majority of voters also voted yes the map wouldn't change. Either none of you bothered to !vote no or more of you voted yes... FWIW, vote outcomes are calculated like this; if ( $totalVoters < ( $totalPlayers / 3 ) ){ RenRem::RenRemCMD ( "msg [BR] Only $totalVoters out of $totalPlayers voted, at least a third of players must vote for the vote to pass. VOTE FAILED." ); } elsif ( ( $gdi_yes_votes + $nod_yes_votes ) <= ( $gdi_no_votes + $nod_no_votes ) ) { RenRem::RenRemCMD ( "msg [BR] More no votes than yes votes. VOTE FAILED." ); } else { RenRem::RenRemCMD ( "msg [BR] More yes votes than no votes. VOTE PASSED." );
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  5. As you may or may not know, Wyld1USA has sadly passed away. Our hearts go out to his loved ones and family. He was a dear friend to all in his life and one of the greatest people you could have hoped to meet in the Renegade community. For more information on Wyld1's passing, you may visit https://multiplayerforums.com/topic/8525-goodbye-wyld1usa/. The MPF community will doing a classic Ren-style event to tribute him with beacons, and with some memorial objects that he liked, such as cookies. The server will be available this weekend as "Wyld Fun & Cookies Memorial." You can join this server to play with everyone, and tribute Wyld1USA. MPF NewMaps and RenCorner Marathon will be offline for the duration of the event. Event features: Every character has been replaced with Hotwire (model change). Buildings have 25% more hit points. Beacon cost has been reduced by 50%. Removed audio alerts that were over 10 seconds For 10-second beacons. Added chat replacement for "RIP" -> "Rest in Peace." Replaced crate model for TT clients with a cookie jar, in honor of Wyld1USA. Memorial credits: MultiPlayerForums - Organizing and asset creation RenCorner - Asset creation Original thread announcement and additional info can be found at https://multiplayerforums.com/calendar/event/30-wyld-memorial-event/
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  6. Who is DawnDenac? I like them already.
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