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Showing most liked content on 05/27/2020 in all areas

  1. APB is a game that favors specialized units. Need to rush a building's MCT? Buy a Shotgunner/Flamer/Shock. Counter Allied armored? Shocks/RS/Volkov. Speed rush the other team? Use LTs. Counter Soviet Armor? Mech/Med combo or Longbows. Counter mech/med combo? Use Hinds/Shocks/TT. Counter Longbows? Use a TT or Yak. Ambush and infiltration? Use Phase or Chrono Tanks. Overall, almost all units have one or several unique "battlefield niche" that they occupy. The Devs have done a really good job designing fun to play with units that are strategically deep. This brings us to the ever (un)popular grenadier. On first look, this unit seems like a jack of all trades, but master of none. It doesn't hit hard at vehicles like the RS, and generally can't stand 1vs1 in an infantry fight. Its range is short, health is mediocre, and projectile path curved. No wonder I don't see it being play a lot online. Why should I use the grenadier only to lose to tanks, infantries, and base defenses alike? Who cares if it's only $160? However, a deeper look reveals the Grenadier actually has its strength and unique niche. The key here is that the Grenadier is actually the infantry in the entire game with most DPS vs building exteriors! Yes, you heard it correctly. Vs. MCTs, Shocks take the top spot, then Flamers, then Shotgunners, and then Officers (RS/Volk/Grenadiers don't get the MCT bonus), but when it comes to shooting at other parts of buildings, the Grenadier's DPS is King among infantries, and next comes RS, followed by (?) Flamers. In fact, the Nader's DPS is actually the same as the Heavy and Medium Tank. In other words, throwing grenades at the War Factory is as good as using a Heavy/Med to shoot at it. And even vs other infantries that are shooting at the MCT, Grenadiers' DPS still come ahead of the Officer's, and is not too far behind the Shotgunner (53 sec vs Nader's 60 sec to kill Barrack). That 7 seconds of difference are more than made up by the need for Shotgunners to run into a building and reach the MCT first, and possibly being distracted by defenders away from the MCT when attacking. Additionally, vs Vehicles, the Grenadier does ~66% of a Rocket Soldier's DPS. Sure 66% is still not a lot, and it's hard to hit things with grenades, but that's far better than the Flamer, the Shotgunner, or the Officer's DPS vs vehicles. So if you need a budget close-range anti-armor that also can somewhat deal with infantry, the Grenadier isn't a bad choice. Once you understand this, it opens up a whole variety of strategies. I will list some examples below: - With its top DPS, Grenadiers are great at killing MCT-less buildings like the silo, AA gun, SD, base defenses (if you can get close), and helipad. - Like the Flamer, Grenadier is a great choice when attacking inside buildings, since it can hit defenders and the building at the same time. The difference here is that Flamers much better DPS hitting MCTs, but do not do as much DPS hitting the walls vs the Grenadier. The Nader can afford to be "distracted" trying to kill the defenders and not lose valuable seconds away from the MCT. - With its curved throw, creative players can take advantage of terrain and map features to hit buildings from behind cover. After-all, there is no need to go for the MCT (no bonus). Can you imagine a heavy tank (DPS-wise) hiding somewhere behind a bush, shooting at the War Factory? - Lastly, take advantage of the High Ground (It's over Anakin!). You will have a much easier time hitting enemy infantry throwing grenades down than at the same level. As you can see, the Nader is not meant to be an open-field unit that you should run around with. Its strength lies in attacking structures, both from within and without. Additionally, it functions as a budget RS in close-quarter situations vs vehicles. So the next time you go attack the Allied base, use a Nader! I hope to see more of this unit in this game!
  2. CLICK HERE if you just want to see what my work is about: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-j5DOoMIdrl60EZIXNjrlw https://www.skorvion.com/ _________________________________________________________________ I've been investing most of my time building up a creative project and team for the past couple of infinities, and I'm very happy and grateful to be able to share some of that if anyone is curious! I've combined my love of games and deep interest in personal development into an active project. This is Skorvion Games, where everything is focused on creativity, play and game development in connection with personal growth, health and awareness. So if someone here finds that interesting or is just curious about it, feel free to check things out for yourself! It's not for everyone, but if you find yourself enjoying this type of content then I hope what you see enriches your life in some way. There are currently three more-or-less introductory videos uploaded, and considering I'm the project lead, you can guess who's presenting the content! I'm very new to being in front of a camera at this stage (which is evident) and I'm thankfully just getting better and better with each experience! It's pretty cool, actually. There are certain more impactful (and larger in scale) things being worked on, but I can't reveal anything beyond the current assortment of videos and other similar content that is already on the way. So just expect more video content via YouTube for the time being if you're interested in following our work. Here's the currently most relevant video for this community: https://youtu.be/FOULGvAy58I The topic of the above linked video is C&C Tiberian Sun mapping in a certain sense, more aimed at enthusiasts who aren't as experienced with it than a lot of you here might be - so watch that first, it could be the most relatable entry-point for you. Just as a starting suggestion. SITE LINKS: WEBSITE: https://www.skorvion.com/ FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/SkorvionGames YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-j5DOoMIdrl60EZIXNjrlw Let me know your thoughts and I hope this type of thing resonates well with some of you. You can like the Facebook page, or subscribe to the YouTube channel if you'd like to be notified of any new stuff (don't count on forum thread updates, it's secondary)! I truly appreciate your support, so have a sincere thanks and invisible cookie! Enjoy!
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  3. Hey AZ. This is the first time I've seen your content pass, but I gotta admit I was surprised and hooked by your creative, video editing and storytelling skills. I'm out to watch the rest of your content!
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  4. Oh no, the old gren meta is coming back
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  5. Any rush you lead is usually successful, and I predict that grenadier rushes will be hilarious. Let's do it! (I couldn't choose which one I liked more so here's both. )
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  6. The quality of your video editing skills are outstanding. Your attention to detail, your timing, the tone and cadence of your voice matched up with the visuals on the screen, frankly, it's outstanding. It was as if for a moment, I had completely forgotten just how old the series is, how outdated the content is, how old everything is. Your perspective offers such a refreshing appeal to the series as a whole. Watching some of these videos has seriously inspired me to play through Tiberian Sun and Firestorm again, not just for the sake of destroying some AI enemies, but to pay attention to the little details added into each mission. No longer will I think, "Oh no, Artillery is bombarding me!" Instead, I now think, "I wonder what made the producers of the game decide to attack with artillery in this instance? What strategy were they hoping I would employ to counter this?" You are a treasure, AZ.
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